• No, Veoh is a media player for internet TV, and also videos. You can get a virus from almost anything you download from the internet if you are not careful, make sure your antivirus software is upto date.
  • Oh Oh VeoH,well first off,VeoH is an internet TV client that looks very nice and might remind people of media center for windows.I will have to agree with the first reply,you CAN get a virus almost anywhere online,even "drive by" installs that scan for pc's with an open port and install themselves without you even knowing about it,but most times a good firewall with stealth settings will prevent this. My experience with Veoh was not a good one,and I will not install it on my machine again as it had some "questionable" software in the install package itself.Veoh claims it to be virus free,so if you want to give it a try,go ahead,maybe it will run fine on your system,but try to set it up so it doesnt autorun at start-up.The "questionable" software didn't leave when I uninstalled veoh either.I had to search for all Veoh files hidden on my pc then shred them with a file shredding utility to get my machine back to normal,and run a couple virus scans to make sure I was clean again. To be honest with you,I have done PC work for people for a few yrs now and have a fairly good idea when something isnt right with my machine.I also build systems.I just wanted to add that so you have an idea where my PC skills are at. So,in short,veoh is not peer to peer,and veoh claims to be virus free software.Install it at your own risk.
  • Veoh comes with a bundle of Virus.I had installed latest Trend internet security software & yet my system was caught .Later i did the formating job along with Dell.So kindly never think of Veoh as virusless

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