How about: Mikhail Lomonosov - He was a famous Russian scientist who worked in physics, chemistry, math and literature. Dmitri Mendeleev - He was a famous chemist who invent the periodic system of elements. Ivan Pavlov - Russian biologist who did important work on animal and human reflexes If the first and last names don't suit you then just use Mikhail, Dmitri or Ivan. :P Just thought of another... how about Roulette? May sound a little feminine, but still could be a cool name for a male kitten.
Churba. Kidding! But I think Magnus would be a good choice, or Maybe Csar (Pronounced Zar)
Stalin? or maybe Lenin?
Boris! A good Russian name - short and easy to pronounce.
My friend has one which she name Azule. Or what about Smurf.
Well - if you want to go with something along a theme from that fact that he is a Russian Blue... Russian names: Boris, Dimitri, Fyodr, Igor, Maksim, Mikhail, Rasputin, Sacha, Sergei, Vlad or Yuri. words meaning/synonymous/representing a shade of blue: azure, beryl, cerulean, cobalt, cyan, slate Russian word meaning Blue: siniy (ΓΒΓΒΈΓΒ½ΓΒΈΓΒΉ) Or you could just go with some other cat names: Chip, Elvis, Nigel, Cole, Checkers, Eddy, Damien, Doodles, Einstein, etc... pretty much anything you can think of! Personally, I like to pick a few names I like, and see which one I think fits the animal the best... give it a few days, see what works. Enjoy your new kitty!
Larry Fienkelstien.
Go with a Russian name or word, like Nikolai or something. I used to have a Russian Blue, we named him Sam, short for Samovar, a type of Russian tea urn.
Vlad or Turq
How about "Smirnoff" Like the Blue Russian drink?
Name him Nuke.
I would name him Rasputin! Given the date of this question, you must have settled on a name by now. So what did you end up calling him? :)
Woody is a cool name or jingle!
mr snufful ufeges
You could name him after a vegetable.
My daughters named our cat Meow. They were 2 and 3 at the time. They named another one Bubblegum, because his nose was pink. And another one Mini, which is short for the spanish coloquial term for cat: minino.
Snuggles Nifty Cashew Toffee
Boy - Teddy girl - Cammy
What colour is he/she? Is he/she timid or boisterous? Does he/she have any distinguishable characteristics? What sex is he/she? What is your favourite colour? Pop or rock? If you answer these questions I will give you a perfect name.
Maukie is perfect ;)
For a boy definately Floyd !
I would suggest Sylvester but since its a she, Sylvania. No, that sound more like an electrical appliance. How bout Pudding? I think that's kind of sweet and easy to say.
Evil McStinkbreath. or Fireball.
private joker
Well... Come on!!! Male or female? where's the picture? We have to get this right!
You have to wait for it's personality to come out..Is he a wild man or a little fairy cat. Time will could name him /her a persons name, I did. Her name is Bella, I love my Bella.
A lot depends on the colors and nature of the cat. If I had a mostly white cat with patches of orange and black, I'd call him "Rags".
female: Vashti, one of the first woman's right advocates. male: Camber: a magical being.
Wait a few days and see her personality and her demeanor before you give her a name. Also, take that time to try out different names and see what you like. That's how I decided on my Smidgen's name, and it suits him perfectly.
Fatty, Snuggles, Cuddles, Scout, Sly
If it were mine I'd choose an interesting name... For a male, Thomas Edison. You can call it "Tommy" but tell people his name is Thomas Edison. For a female, Anna Katarina. You can call her "Anna" but if anyone asks, her name is Anna Katarina.
maybe you can name him russian blue
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