I am buddhist, I know I will get a new life.
Unless you achieve Nirvana.
I will cease to exist as an entity altogether, so I enter the void of the universe as a random collection of atoms.
I will go to heaven.
Hell for sure.
I believe that heaven and hell are only human creations. They are designed to manipulate people in order to keep them in line. When we are little kids we may have been told: If you are a good kid, Santa Claus will bring you nice presents. If you are bad, the Boogeyman will take you away. Throughout thousands of years people were so wild that authorities had to find ways to make them behave properly...that's the origin of the whole concept. What will happen when I die? I have no idea. No one else has any idea. Everything else is wishful thinking.
If I trust in what I have studied and believed for the better part of my life, I will go to Heaven. And, I do trust and believe.
I haven't a clue. I don't really think that heaven or hell exist, but I am not saying 100% that they don't. *Note-this is NOT in ANY WAY, SHAPE or FORM an invitation to solicit any kind of religious, sipritual or any other form of propaganda at me. K, thanks.
"Heaven" is a state of mind when you are Flowing in tune with the Universe. "Hell" is when you are not in the Flow. (I try to stay in the "heaven" feeling).
Heaven doesn't want me, and in Hell, They're afraid I'LL take over
Well, I am going to London soon, I think there may be a stop to heaven in between here and Guilford. I might get off and stretch me legs. What, when I die? I am being stufffed and put in a corner mate, don't know about you? And as for my soul, it's staying firmly on me shoe.
as late as possible...
According to many Christian views, hell. Personally I believe in neither and am going to make the most of this life.
I would go straight to Heaven cause I have not, do not and never will listen to the Dr.Laura radio talkshow. and people who don't listen to her talk radio show will go straight to heaven.
I hope I would go to heaven but I don't think that is what happens I believe you keep coming back till you get it right and when you get it right you are named a saint
Heaven because of the precious, holy blood that Jesus Christ the Son of God shed for me on the cross of Calvary and because He is risen from the dead and is in my heart and life as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I hope that this is helpful. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
i think that where you think you'll go will have no corrilation to where you'll really go, you dont know, i dont know, and no book or person could convince me otherwise. and if you think you know, i hope your prepared to feel really disapointed
Heaven, not because of anything I have done to deserve it, but because of the sacrifice of Jesus, which paid for the sins of the world, and gave everyone the same chance.
Hell I hope. I hear the barbeque is awesome down there.
A good question with lots of interesting answers. I am not bothered about ratings and so I will just say that hearing the viewpoints of so many people that would not normally pass the time of day with me due to my profession is absolutely fascinating and will be most helpful in my line of work.
I hope i will go to heaven,I am trying my best to get there.
Hopefully heaven cause I am living in hell right now without my sweetheart who I have no doubt is in heaven watching down on me right now And I don't think I could live like this for the rest of eternity if I don't make it.
well i am a good person so definitely heaven.
Neither THEY have already told me I have to start a place of my own cause neither of them want me!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!
I am hoping to stay alive for as long as possible. I am not of a heavenly calling so if I do die, I will be in "hell" which is just a state of inactivity... so it doesn't scare me because there are no pitchforks, flames or torture in hell. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.
Nowhere i'm just going to die and my energy will dissipate i don't believe in heaven or hell.
I don't believe either exist, but let's pretend for a minute that they do. In Heaven: Fundamentalist Christians, Hitler, George W. Bush, and people who will stone you to death for blinking wrong. In Hell: Confucius, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Wolfgang, Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Edison, H.G. Wells, Robert Frost, Albert Einstein, Sir Alfred Hitchcock, Ernest Hemingway, George Orwell, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, Carl Sagan, Barry White, Douglas Adams... I'm going to Hell if it kills me.
Hitler believed in the 7 root races of mankind, like Madam Blavatsky, which is why he thought the Aryan races as superior, this woman is also behind Alice Bailey and her 33rd degree freemasonic husband and the lucis trust, and Darwin back in the day, as he believed the black man was the least evolved from cousin of the ape. George Bush is a skull and bones member.
i'm going to Limbo Land...i have a hard enough time trying to find my way through life right i'm pretty sure i'm going to have a hard time finding my way out of this world when i go.
I would like to think that i will go to Heaven!
Well nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww let me see.............
I believe in neither and think I will go to a realm that suits my spiritual level at the time of death.I therefore am confident I will go were it is best for my spiritual advancement.
It depends on who you talk to.. Since I am Catholic every single protestant religion says that I am going to hell. I would like to think that I am going to purgatory then heaven. Like I said it all depends on who you talk with.
Heaven, got the crib all set yo...
I have been told many, many times that I will be going to hell, and I have never once been told that I will go to heaven. So, hell it is.
Yes, I go to heaven because I have had my sinns forgiven by putting my trust in what Christ did on the cross. "He that believes on me has everlasting life".- Jesus.. (Jn. 6:47)
100% heaven with no doubt. I've asked God to cleanse me from my sin and he has. I believe Jesus died on the Cross and rose again the third day.
I will be going to hell probably, or left to roam the Earth as a ghost.
Hell. Not only will all my friends be there but the party's gonna be a lot better. Can you imagine spending eternity with a bunch of church going, god fearing, no sex having people?
I am not sure. I am hoping that I have lived a life worthyof returning to the presence of my God in Heaven as that is where I have no doubt in my heart that my beloved sweetheart is and it wouldkill me if I fall short of the mark and spend the rest of eternity seperated from her too.
Heaven is the answer... Jesus Christ died for all of us. check that out. I am just not ready right now to find out what it will be like. Hope I have a little more time here!
If God exists I'll be going to heaven, If he doesn't I'll be going to the dirtpile.
I'll be buried in a casket, or cremated, and that'll be that.
right in between
I honestly have no idea. I won't be so arrogant as to say that I'm going to "Heaven", but I don't think that any of my actions merit an eternity in Hell. I've lived a decent life, and will continue to do so, and I guess I'll find out where I belong at the end.
If I repent and am forgiven than hopefully I will be going to Heaven, but does anyone really know? Everyone is a sinner, it's just human nature, but the key is to repent and be saved.:)
i won't go anywhere. When I die then I will decompose and will be consumed into the earth, hopefully to remerge as an oaktree or something similar!
I am going to heaven! God told me how to get there. :-) Well, actually His son, did. In fact, He said he'd take me there Himself.
I think we are all in Hell now. So we will all go to Heaven!
I'll pop in to both and visit friends before I move on to something better.
I am not going to Heaven or to Hell. I am going to Honduras.
i believe they are the same place
Well, I'll have to check w/ my astrologist! (makes about as much sense as these concepts themselves!) ;-)
Some where in between..hmmm is there a main level?
I am going to heaven, for I have confessed my sins and have been forgiven by Him. It cannot be stressed enough that this is not to be a trivial question or a joking matter, for ALL end up in one or the other, and that God is not willing that any should perish (go to hell) but that all should come to repentance (go to heaven).
Great i LOVE company..:)
I think I will go to Heaven. I really do.
*Packs her pitchfork.* Straight to Hell! :D
Heaven. I was saved last night, and know that's where I'm going when I die.
I really hope I go to heaven, but I don't think I will because I'm not straight.
Calvin: I wonder where we go when we die. Hobbes: (pause) ... Pittsburgh? Calvin: Is that if we're good or if we're bad?
Neither. I hope to live in paradise on earth.
Where ever I choose.
Neither, by body will turn to dust in the ground just like everyone else. Heaven and hell are terms invented to keep children under control and neither has proved to be true.
There won't be a 'me' to go anywhere.
I don't believe in either so I don't think I'll go anywhere. I'll just... stop.
Heaven doesnt want me and Hells affraid ill take over.
If those are my only choices than yes.
Oh, I'm going to Hell for sure... hoping to get into middle management.
I really do not reconize the existance of a Hell ... And; I believe that we go thru several life journies to get life RIGHt before we make it to heaven ; so I'm not for sure just which plane I am on at this time ... Thus, I'll be between here and heaven somewhere ....
F all that, I will haunt Answerbag for an eternity.
I think its a matter of perspective. I have a great movie idea: "Lets Go To Hell!"
God only knows:)... I'm hoping Heaven!
Kinda a nebulous crapshoot. Timing is everything with that one, no? ;-)
As long as I stay on top of my shit, I'm going to Hell. That's the goal. See ya'll there!
Heaven for me. Jesus and I have been planning the Father/son picnic for years now!
idk... depends on how I die... I could go to neither.
Heaven, but only God will decide that for me =)
Going to heaven.
According to some folks, hell, and according to others, heaven. Personally, I don't want to spend my life worrying about something that no one has adequately proven to exist or not. I've got more important things to do, like help others and better myself.
Heaven. I don't believe in a Hell. Nor do I believe that God would throw anyone into hell, without giving them a choice first. That choice is weather to live WITH him or AGAINST him.
I don't believe that heaven or hell even exists,I'm already in hell on Earth,and I will die and spread my energy around the living atmosphere when I do.*+++++*
if there is a heaven, i am surely going there:)
heven because im a good girl
When I die, it will be hell because: Simple answer, that is what false religion teaches them. The religious clergymen of Christendom have created an image of what they understand to be βhellβ or βinfernoβ in the minds of their church people. It is a terrible image. Bible translators have not been uniform in rendering that word Sheol into their languages. For instance, the English Bible authorized by King James I translates Sheol thirty-one times as hell, thirty-one times as βthe grave,β and three times as βthe pit.β Any reasonable person will therefore have to admit that in the inspired Hebrew Scriptures the words βhell,β βthe grave,β and βthe pitβ mean one and the same thing. And there is no connection of it at all with fire, brimstone and eternal torment. God, did not say to Adam that, in whatever day he ate of the forbidden fruit, he would go to a βhellβ to suffer consciously forever in fiery torments. He warned Adam that he would die the death for disobedience.
heaven 4 sure
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