• Depends upon quantity and intensity.
  • Ice. I choose ice.
  • given equal volume and intensity: ice. fire is more fragile than ice given equal parts.
  • Fire and Ice Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. Robert Frost
  • fire if the isce is next to or below it. it will just melt. however, if the ice is above the fire on a screen or grate of some kind then it will melt and the now liquid water will put the fire out.
  • I think it would be Fire but then again, if it melted all the ice, then the ice would come back and get the fire! Revenge is best! Ice wins in a wet mess.
  • When the ice would start to melt, it would extinguish the fire.
  • i would say ice.the ice ages could last thousands of years wheras fire goes out as soon as it has used up its fuel.
  • If you dropped an iceberg on a forest fire, the fire would win, but if a forest fire ran into a glacier, the glacier would definitely outmatch the fire.
  • Absolute zero is a fixed figure whereas fire can range to infinite. Fire wins. We have a new champ.
  • Depends on the size of each relative to the other.
  • Water.
  • Technically the fire, even though water takes out fires in general, since once the ice melts there is only water left and the fire would still be there. Both might be taken down but the ice would be gone first. Remember that fire is simply a reaction while ice is a form of h2o. Even if there was ice left when the fire was taken out, the ice that took out the fire would already be water, and steam itself from the heat of the fire back into the ice to melt more. The real question is which would win, the heat or the cold? Ever wondered why planets so far away from the sun are so cold, or that why the sun is in less contact with your area it is more cold? The cold is really just the absence of heat. And heat is what the friction of active energy extraction gives off.
  • Fire melts ice, and boils water. Fire wins .
  • I am a firefighter, this is the correct answer... assuming the Fire and Ice are of the same size, and you ignore things like fuel for the fire and oxygen. The answer: ICE would win. The reason: (1) Ice does not require a self sustained chemical reaction to exist like fire does. (2) We use water to put out fires b/c of it's unique ability to absorb heat. Ice is kind of like a tripple punch, It takes heat to melt the ice, then the ice turns to water, water absorbs heat, then water turns to steam. One molecule of waters expands 1,700 times in volume when it converts to steam. Yes, 1 gallon of water turns into 1,700 gallons of steam (at 1 atm). Steam is used to extinguish fire as well (as long as no one is inside or expected to be alive). In principle, simple fire would have to be 3 times bigger than the ice.
  • Well. . . . . . they say the Ice Age killed the dinosaus! YOU tell ME!

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