• Well, I can, but I couldn't tell anyone else how to do it. I just either wake up, just like that, or I change the way my dream is going. I can't do it all of the time, but sometimes, I am able to wake myself up within minutes of thinking about it while dreaming. I think it's because I am able to have lucid dreams very easily.
  • Yeah I dont find it hard. Just depends on whether or not I want to stick around.
  • Usually my dreams are lucid, and I can choose to wake up. But sometimes I have dreams that scare the heck out of me and I know I'm dreaming but can't wake myself up. Ugh!
  • only when i'm having a lucid dream and even then, only part of the time.
  • No, the only time I realized I was dreaming I woke up instantly, and that wasn't a bad dream. My bad dreams only end if I get injured or am about to die
  • I used to be able to. I'd jump off something or slam my head against a wall, and I'd be awake. Now, though, when I do that, I only wake myself up in ANOTHER dream, as if my mind has out-smarted me. I've recently had dreams where I SCREAM and scream and scream, hoping to make my sleeping body scream. It hasn't worked, and it's terrifying.

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