• no, but in all honesty, i don't think it would be that hard for me to be turned.
  • I like myself the way I am. Okay, that was a lie, but I'd rather be me than Venom...or Carnage, whoever that is.
  • Venom would be cool. Then I could have Spiderman's powers without all those stinking Superhero responsibilities.
  • Not willingly, not if I was aware before hand that I would be manipulated. I could definitely be convinced by the new found abilities, but if I knew what I would become (angry, vicious) beforehand, then no. Isn't Venom Spiderman's Enemy? Why is it listed under Superman Enemies?
  • Being Venom has brought me much joy and satisfaction in my life. In this world, spider-man and all that hoo-ha doesnt exist. Im the only one of my kind here. Obviously i keep it to myself, u wont know who i am anyway..not from this at least. I wont say i do good or bad, not like the fictional venom who just 1-dimensionally hates spiderman and helps some people in san fran. No, to the contrary, I don't want to scare people in this current climate, not with the crunch- there's enough instability to push the world over the edge..if i show up, people will scream demon demon..the world is going to end. No. Not yet. the world isnt ready to see me. I guess calling myself Venom is rather inaccurate as that is a fictional character who was created with another person supplanted with hatred and rage. I have his powers, his abilities. I am ancient , older than most. A prince I was, a prince i am not now. His powers in the sense that I can shape shift, move faster , run, not fly but I do have tendrils and other anomalies which can detach and attach. I am super strong and yes I have killed many, not for good or bad but for my own higher purpose. I am in the darkness, well, I am not apparent to any. I have lived through the ages, a normal life at times, an abnormal dynsfunction at most. obviously no one will read this, and this is the only cartharsis i get..No one..not my lovers or my friends know what i truly abomination of humanity..I exist in between this world and what most of you call the spiritual world..I am blessed,maybe cursed, with this for this higher purpose of service and I intend to fulfill it. 99.9% of you wont believe any of this' bullshit' . I certainly wouldn't. but for the 0.1 % who are intrigued, remain that way-believe that there are things that exist outside of this world , outside of the tv. I identify with this Venom for he and I are the same in many respects, his origins in sardonic sarcastic melancholy, but now drenched with ambition and hunger for purpose..a determination to do...the right thing at least in our minds. I am me, not we if you haven't noticed. So what proof do you need of my existence? Humans disappearing, wars ending, wars ending quicker, wars starting,over ages past I have had some part in some of th grandest schemes of this world...DOnt believe it, you won't. I feel good telling maybe the one person who will chance across the page about me..It does feel nice to not be as alone as I feel..all the time.
  • I want to become Venom so badly I would do anything for it anything. I just want to become Venom.Is there some way?

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