Personally, yes I do. Love is love in my opinion, whether it be between two men, two women or two members of the opposite sex.
Two consenting adults who are in a committed relationship and wish to marry shouldn't be prevented from doing so. I was raised by two moms and had a very wonderful childhood and am now a very happy adult with children of my own. My moms were truly a blessing.
I say yes. Some people may have religious and personal reasons why they think that homosexual couples shouldn't marry. But no one goes around saying to straight couple who they can and can't marry, I just think it's unfair. I've meet alot of gay couple who just love each more than I've seen my straight friends who have gone and married. The worst thing i think that can come out of this is maybe the divorce rating going up abit.
I think that all of the debate is basically over the word "marriage." At the very least, a same sex couple who is committed to each other should be allowed all the legal rights and privileges of a married couple. If a state can't bring themselves to allow marriages then at least they should be able to have that. Then, marriage is really just a word. A lot of people are afraid that homosexuals are too promiscuous to be allowed marriage, but that's really an unfair generalization. When you look at both sides, if gays shouldnt be allowed to marry then for the same reasons neither should straight people. Anyway, If a person is promiscuous then they most likely arent the one trying to get married.
This question has been asked about a dozen times. Check the archive for the continuing debate.
Yes. What harm are they doing anyone? Society hold certain grudges against certain people, grudges which only last because people follow along. Does the thought of 2 guys getting it on bring a flush to your cheeks?? Well... why is the question here, folks.
Yes, yes, for the last time...YES! Who cares and why not?!
Definitely. Anyone of any sexual orientation deserves the right to be happy and if that means having their partners hand in marriage, then why should heterosexual people stand in their way?
Yes. As a matter of fact, no one can stop them. What can be done is a refusal to legally recognize the relationship, which is what we still have in most countries. However, you cannot stop them from entering into a lifetime, committed, romantic, sexual relationship - marriage. Now, if we talk strictly about legal marriage, the definition of marriage is a LEGAL one. The argument about any religion's definition of the word is utterly invalid in the US, as it violates the separation of church and state. In this sense, maintaining a definition of marriage as between to opposite sex partners is more of a social tradition. It is abolishing institutionalized discrimination that gives unequal rights under the law to a minority.
Yes. Of course.
Without a doubt.
absolutely yes!
for the bloody last time ..yes...yes..YES!!!
Of course. Since marriage is a right given by the state (govt), all US citizens should have the same right to marry, if the Constitution is to mean anything.
why shouldnt they?
I do not believe in discrimination of any kind. If a man is allowed to marry a woman then a man should be allowed to marry a man and a woman should be allowed to marry a woman. Good for California for allowing it!!
I think it's about time it becomes legal everywhere. It's marriage. Everyone should be able to get married.
As long as I am not forced into one, it is fine with me.
When you find the love of your life the next logical move is to want to marry them ... forsake all others. Why should this just apply to straight couples? My God loves everyone.
If two unrelated, consenting adults have a committed, monogamous relationship and want to marry, they should be able to. Period. All I want is the same, equal (not "special") rights as all other citizens.
LEGALIZE it so everyone can be happy
Should be illegal
My opinion on gay marriage is more or less that I do not have an opinion on gay marriage. It does not affect me, does not take away from my marriage to the spousal unit, it does not preclude me from any rights and freedoms, it will not result in Nazis on dinosaurs marching across the earth. The only negative impact that gay marriage will have is on the divorce rate. Frankly I do lay awake at night wondering if the gays will have a lower divorce rate than the straights. If so what does that tell us about straights? ;-)
should be legal, there is no reason for it not to be except for some people religious views and i believe in the seperation of church and state.
I think many people are too closed minded. It's your life you should be able to do whatever you want to.
I simply do not care about it one way or the other. It will not affect my life.
My opinion is that we all should support equal rights for all US citizens - or we should chuck the Constitution which is in place to help guarantee such things. Equal rights would include equal marriage rights.
I think that whatever people want to do is up to them.....I guess it would depend on who you ask, although it does seem a little unfair that if you are homosexual you have to move to a different state or even out of the us to have your union recognized..I'm not homosexual but know homosexual people, and I can understand both view points.
I think it should not only be legal, it should be illegal to ban it in any individual state. The way I see it, human rights should always trump tradition. . (Although, I myself don't see the point of any marriage, whether gay or straight, since people do perfectly fine these days in informal relationships)
Absolutely. 'Nuff said. :)
Of course! Gay marriage is just like any other marriage. Why should I be allowed to marry whomever I choose and my neighbor not?
It is wrong, for the church should not ever condone homosexuality, much less honor it.
Lyla Caves
shut the fuck up inbred
I am neither for nor against it.
I think it is sad that the 8% of people who are gay should railroad our system. Also show me where homosexuals are covered in the constitution. Does anyone have any doubt about how the founding fathers would feel about this?
let's see: not everybody is of the same religion. leave it to the holy houses to decide what they accept in their religions. but as far as a LEGAL marriage as defined by state law, there's no way i can or would ever force that upon another soul. so - give them their freakin rights already and stop treating them like shit. i'm not gay, i'm not even bicurious or whatever. but i stand for them getting the same rights in a country that gives a hetero marriage rights simply because they're no less or more than anybody else.
i think it is great, how is your marriage working out?
Legalize it! Gay couples have rights too, just because people are ignorant enough to hate someone because they are different, that doesn't mean that it's right. Was it right to hate the Jewish race in the 1930s and 40s here in America? You bet it wasn't. Now we honor them, respect them. Too bad the same cannot be said of gay couples and american society.
I don't understand the insistence on redefining the word. I do not understand why a civil union with the same rights between two individuals of the same sex isn't good enough. I question the motives of those who insist on redefining marriage to accommodate them, instead of advocating for actual equal rights.
just be careful "what" you put in it.
Again i say show me in the constitutiuon where these "rights" are?
Meh, I say let them marry, who cares? Why should it concern me who people marry?
Oy... My computer is messed. I see Answer 1 out of 0. Anyway, the topic. I think it's weird, no offense. But it should be allowed, because you should be free to do whatever... within the law. If that is how you feel, that is how you feel... Once again, no offense, but I think that if you think gay, you can be considered mentally ill, as that isn't the normal way of thinking (then again, what IS the normal way of thinking?). But we don't have bans on mentally ill people? Should it be illegal to be retarded, or confined to a wheelchair because it JUST SO HAPPENED that your umbillical cord was wrapped around your neck at birth, thus restraining air from your lungs and giving you the possibility of being retarded? It's not their fault. It was an accident, sometimes something unpreventable. It just happened. So mentally ill people are out of the norm, and so are gay people. Some mentally ill people are not allowed to be on streets. They have minor problems, and can be cared for and within supervision. But gay people know right from wrong, therefore they should be allowed. It might not be their fault that they're gay. They just are. It might be some weird fluke in the brain. And think about it. Maybe some gay people go nuts because we push them and laugh at them and discriminate them. It can be our fault too...
Lyla Caves
wtf is this comment? first of all there is something very wrong with you if you think homosexuality is a mental illness. two, you can say no offence all you want but what you are saying will always be offensive. three, you are a straight up dick for saying those things about disabled people. Being gay is not "some fluke in the brain" it is no more unnatural than heterosexuality, it is nobody's "fault" because there is nothing wrong with being homosexual. Look up the definition of Fault before you use it imbecile.
I am gay and married. I guess that says it all as far as I am concerned.
ok this is a funny thing i found, so its not MY imput, but it does make fun of all the bible thumping psycos out there, very satiricle, very funny. 1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. 2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. 4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women a! re still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. 5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Brittany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. 6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children. 7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children. 8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America . 9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. 10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans this just shows how weak the arguments against gay marriage are.
I also agree that it is wrong. The Word of God is solid to stand on and reliable. but I think there is way too much of a focus on that one particular thing in the church. You don't see the church running around picketing against other "lesser" sins as some may say. And since when does that kind of aditude show the love of God anyway? what good is it to alienate anybody? Yes, we are to descern what is right and wrong, and I am not condoning homosexuality at all, but in that we are also to speak the truth in love.
yes i do, and i strongly believe that.
Yes, I believe it should be legal for me to get married.
yes they are people do i dont see anything wrong with it. for more info on why i think so please email me.
Yes. I believe any people of consenting age who love each other should be allowed to be married. Gay or not. I hate that only one man and one woman together can be married.
I'll answer this as I've answered previous questions EXACTLY LIKE THIS: I believe everyone should come to some sort of a common ground on this issue. Gay people should stop clamoring for the title of marriage, to appease religious people and homophobic people. Gay people should be afforded the exact same rights as people in marriage, but only, still have the lable of civil union, instead of marriage. I think this is the best answer. It gives gay people all the same rights and benefits of marriage, but it allows religious people to not feel like the sanctity of marriage is being absolutely disgraced and torn apart.
Definetly, New Zealand has already said yes to civil unions which no one over here is offended by so i don't see why other countries withhold
Yes, we gay guys are no different to anyone else except for of cause the fact of the 'same sex' thing.
i don't think gays should mary. I depends on what you believe and i believe in the Bible and it says gays shouldn't be together, and NOBODY say "oh its in the old Testament so do we have to stone our brother if they get in with the wrong crowd?" so don't try and be all witty because in the NEW Testament it says that gays will be punished in the end. If you took time to read the Bible then maybe you'd know that I am not trashing people who are not Christians, I am trashing people who call there selves Christians and are liberal because that means you don't believe the Bible.
Well, yes. Forget about anatomy and figure this for a moment. Marriage is about faith and having faith in another human being. What should the preferences of the couple matter?
Yes. Why should two people, who happen to be of the same sex, not be able to live their lives?
Yes. At my 20th high school reunion - I had one of the longest relationships of the 125 or so folks who attended... many of them were on their second or third marriage... and this was a group from a Catholic high school... So much for the gays ruining the institution of marriage...
I do support, and believe in gay marriage. My brother was just recently married back in April, and he has such a good, and beautiful relationship with his husband. If a man and a woman can love each other, why can't a man love another man? Or a woman love another woman? If people have a problem with it- get over it, and get used to the fact that gay marriage is becoming more and more popular. We are not in the dark ages anymore! This is 2008!
i think that they should have the right to do whatever the straight people have the right to do, sexual preference should not change someone's rights.
I think it should. People in love deserve a family, and it has to be legal, because gays are the same members of society, as heterosexuals. Why do they have to suffer from those stupid legal imperfections?
Why not! We get taxed for being married why shouldn't they. What they think they are special or something.. LoL
Yes,it should be legal for gays and lesbians to marry just as much as anyone else has the right to marry. The government (of the USA) is required to have seperation of church and state. Because marriage is supposed to be based on religious standards then the state sould get out of the marriage license business or issue a marriage license to anyone who applies. This includes heterolsexual or homosexual, and regardless of race, religion, age (12.5 girls 13.5 boys), family relationships (consentual adults)and plural marriage. To do otherwise is a violation of the Constitution (at least in the USA) I would like to ask Christians and the gays and lesbians to read this bit of information and it may clear a lot of misconceptions up...
It is over here.
I'm straight and single. If I was getting married, it would be a declaration of enormous love and commitment for someone. I don't see why I should be able to yet not others. I can't imagine it's going to cost me that much in taxes or whatever.
Definitely. Marriage is a symbolic statement to one's community, a statement that the person you are marrying is your one and only Special Person. To lock a particular group of people out from such pulic statements is to mark them a separate and implicitly inferior. Tha language that the law uses about both gay and straight life-partnerships should be the same, and if that is marriage, then it should be available to all. It you wish to say that marriage is a religious concept only, then it should be expunged from all laws and from all political discourse except in a religious context.
- couples should be allowed to be as miserable as straight couples.
Of course.
Yeah i dont have a problem with it.
why not....if you love someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with why not marry
yeah it shouldn't matter a bit
The law should not meddle in people's personal lives, who we choose to marry is entirely our business and not the government's.
yeah, gay marriage is legal in the uk now, i think the rest of the world should do the same, for those that haven't, we talk about equal rights all the time, but not allowing two people that love each other to have a ceremony should they wish to makes everything unequal i think.
Yeah, why not? Me personally, I could care less who someone else wants to marry. They could marry their house plants if they really wanted to. What bussiness is it of mine to stop them?
Of course. All US citizens should have the same rights under the Constitution, if it is to mean anything. Fortunately, I live in CA, where those rights can be exercised starting June 17th. Yay! Oh, and for those of you who are promoting "civil unions" as appeasement? 1. Civil unions do not give near the same amount of rights as marriage. "Separate but equal" is only separate and never equal. 2. If one segment of the population is allowed to call their legal GOVERNMENT unions "marriage," it should be good enough for all segments of the population. Anything else is discrimination, pure and simple.
Of course it should be. Who are we to say who can or cannot get married? I hate that the government/society tries to run everyone elses lives.
That's fine,whatever..but,they should not be looked upon as a minority.. getting rights and benefits as a true minority group would.
Everybody under the same law. No if's and's or but's.
(Ignore, ment to be comment... Again)
As someone who is in a committed, monogamous relationship, I feel that I should have the same rights as committed straight couples. So many countries are one by one legalizing same sex marriage. The U.S. needs to catch up with the times! And I really don't see how my getting married hurts anyone else. The "reasons" and "excuses" those opposed use against it are based on fear, ignorance and stereotypes.
good luck to them.
love is love
The several couples that I know that are same sex couples have been together much longer than most the opposite sex couples that have been married and divorced (some more than once). I really don't understand why they can't get married and share the same benefits my wife and I get. In Seattle, we have legal unions that include a lot of paperwork that give most of the benefits, but it's not the same as a marriage.
Never understood why some people have a problem with it...anyway fine by me, everyone deserves love.
Mine are...I hope their happy (Asked, and has 12 answers
I think whatever makes same sex people happy. As well, they deserve the same recognition as any married couple i.e. social security benefits, health care, dental plans. I know this is against religious beliefs but burning witches at the stake was a religious belief at one time. I just dont think anyone has the right to pass judgement and deny any human being and I emphasise human being, a right due to sexual orientation. If it really is wrong, then those people will face the consequences at some point but I am not the judge. For the record I have a very good lesbian friend couple who got married. It was different at first but its just like having a couple of female friends, they dont get all over eachother and I would be just as offended if a hetero couple started sucking face while I am sitting there.
For. First, I believe that two consenting adults have every right to do whatever they want in their bedroom, and it's nobody's business. And I believe that if two adults want to make it a MONOGAMOUS COMMITMENT FOR LIFE, then that is a beautiful thing that we should encourage, if anything, not ban. It's nobody's business who I marry, whether I want to marry a black woman or a white man, or a pediatrician or a carpenter or an Aquarius or whatever. Why should we as a society ban ANY two consenting adults who love each other, from committing to each other for life?
I am against gay marriages. I regard Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis as the first married couple on earth. I am of conviction that marriage has always involved a man and a woman so it must always remain to be so as God has ordained it.
against. i believe that marriage should only be between and male and a female.
For..I don't see any justifiable reason to ban a same sex couple from getting married. I don't care if the religious world has an issue with it and tells me or the world that god said it was wrong..I am pretty sure god would have a bigger issue with the religious leaders molesting kids..but who knows..The world needs to stay out of peoples homes sex lives and marriages :) Just my opinion to any and all I may have offended or pissed off :)
I don't see why two unrelated, consenting adults shouldn't be able to have the right to get married. It shouldn't matter what their gender, race, religion, culture, etc. is. I am in a committed, monogamous relationship, and I don't see why we shouldn't be able to get married like any committed straight couple. Religious groups and the government have no business poking their noses in the personal lives of consenting adults.
I am for gay marriage. Perhaps not within the church (but there are other restrictions there that have nothing to do with sexual orientation) but I am all for civil service gay marriage. I think all people should have the same opportunities and limitations, regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation. My own personal beef is this: When my now husband and I were first living together I had a job with great health insurance, and he didn't have any. According to the company, he wasn't eligible for coverage om my plan because we weren't married, but if we had been a gay couple he would have been. I really don't think that is fair.
So, here's my personal opinion about this, after hearing so many other wonderful opinions: In the US, there is meant to be a thick line between law and religion. This gives people the freedom of choosing and practicing their own religion. Why, then, do people say that homosexual marriage should not be allowed "because it forbidden in the Bible", or such like that? That's fine and dandy that homosexual marriages are not encouraged in these religions, but we are talking law-- the law that gives us the freedom to speak and do as we wish. As it says in the Declaration of Independence, we are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Forbidding two people from getting married as they want to is taking them away from that. It is not as if, when you reach the crazy teenage years, you can stand up and say "I want to like boys," or "I want to like girls". It doesn't work that way. You are attracted to one (or maybe two) specific gender, whether you like it or not. You can deny that fact all that you want, but the truth is the same. So why should you, just because you were born to like one specific gender, have to pay for it? Why is it, just because you like one specific gender, that you can't get married and have a happy life? So, all in all, my belief is this: it doesn't matter whether a person is homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, autosexual -- it doesn't matter. A person is still a person, and still had every single right. -- end of rant
I believe that marriage should be through your chruch (if you have one) but a civil union needs to be devoid of religious connotations. Being married is between you and your God only. I'd argue that you would also have to be joined into a civil union in addition to marriage (this gets me a lot of bad feedback from other Christians), and by the way, enter into a civil union with any human you want to. Leave the marriage and the sight of God stuff to your minister.
What is unfortunate that the question needs to be asked.
For. What right does anyone have to withhold the ability for 2 gay people to marry?
I am for equal rights for all people, including marriage rights. So yes, this would include LGBT couples and straight couples having equal rights to obtain the legal status of "married."
For. If two people love each other, then they have every right to get married and share their lives together.
I see I'm in the minority here but I'm against it. I used to be totally against homosexuality, due to my religious beliefs, and quite frankly the lifestyle disgusted me. Over the years, as homosexuality has become more accepted, I to have become more accepting. It doesn't bother me anymore and for the most part I find myself conversing and interacting with homosexuals as I would any other person. Which I should. I don't, however, believe that their marriage should be accepted as a legal marriage. Not that they cant still commit their lives to each other. If there was a vote I would vote no, but would not be upset if the majority spoke out and voted it in.
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