• Are you pregnant?
  • A baby?!
  • .....a baby....
  • Possibly a tapeworm (only know what that is cause im watching house) or mabey you should take a pregnancy test. *duh*
  • It 's gas. I have the same thing. It doesn't mean your pregnant. You don't have to pass gas it's just in there.
  • I have been getting this too! AND I AM NOT PREGNANT -lots of tests to prove this. Please let me know if you found out what it was
  • it is also possible that it could be your stomach/intestines having a spasm as well as all the above bar the aliens lol
  • Im not sure what it could be.I have the same symptoms and I am not preg. I am 40 yrs old and have had problems with this for a while. I have no pain but it is very annoying and does resemble the movement of a baby.I have been to the Dr. several times. I have B12 injections and take nexium ea. day. The movements are worse now than ever. I thought I may have "Tape Worm" BUT I have no pain or other symptoms. I have no other symptoms with any other type of parisite. My only conclusion is nerveouse stomach. Spasms do not always cause pain but can cause confusion. Not knowing what is causeing the symptom is frustrating and annoying at best. My advise is to talk with your Dr. Try a parisite cleaning. I did to ease my mind of any potential creepies. There are many remedies out there. Cloves and garlic seem to be the best. Cut down on sugar, undercooked pork or fish are the #1 cause of creepies. Try eating pinapple (fresh),and try drinking spiced teas. Hope this helps.
  • I have had 4 babies- your stomach does not move as you described! when your bowels move you can see your stomach move- when you eat it also moves- it is normal and just means your stomach is in good shape- you would know if you are pg or of course could just take a pregrancy over the counter test!!!!!! my gastro Dr informed me of this-
  • i feel it too for the past 4 nights straight. it is not gas. mine goes from left and right side and to my belly button and back. muscle spasms are repetitive, this movement is random and is responsive to my finger tips (meaning my finger tips make it "move away" and flutter elsewhere. i would know if i had gas, who wouldnt and so would you. trust your mother instinct. not evryone is the same and not everyone has GAS! omg! people! you have too much air in your HEADS! stranger things have happened and with the advice you are giving this girl she may overlook her PREGNANCY! go see a doc. and dont read and believe everything you read ONLINE. most of these people dont know their head from their ass much less do the MEN even know what a baby moving feels like.
  • Pregnant! My daughter was told her baby was 'irritable bowel syndrome' by our useless doctor, until she was over 20 weeks pregnant. I SAW her stomach - it looked like she had an alien - you could actually pinch at the lump that sometimes stuck out on her left side. Stupid doctor tried to say it was poo! Her nipples had darkened, her boobs felt heavier to her, and most telling, she got the faint brown stripe leading down from her tummy button. If you are that pregnant then a nurse using a simple ear horn on your stomach should be able to pick up the heartbeat. By the way, as SOON as my daughter had been told she really was pregnant, then her stomach rounded out and doubled in size very rapidly and it became impossible to see the baby sticking out so obviously.
  • To me I find this question a bit odd. Have you not thought that you might be pregnant already? Most women would have already thought that as soon as she felt that strange movement. Also I have heard of woman that want children so bad that they start having signs and symptoms of being pregnant......Maybe? Who knows, except a DOCTOR who can tell you for sure your true diagnosis. Good Luck! Shelly
  • this has started with me lately too and its freaking me out. i have never had this feeling before except when pregnant ( i am 30 ) its a little annoying feeling but i cant see my tummy move of feel it with my hand/fingers. i just feel it inside, feels like a baby's foot poking you. i am going to the dr next week if it doesn't stop b/c i want to know for sure.
  • I have the same feelings in my stomach all the time. I know that mine is not a pregnancy, because I no longer have my baby maker!!!!! So I am thinking that is your bowels maybe something you ate. Mine pretty much stays in the same spot but I can see my stomach move and feel it with my hand. I don't think that it is life threating though.
  • this is probably a spastic colon. i had the same thing happen after having 4 kids. & this does feel just like a baby kicking. but its always best to see a dr just to be sure. i also had 1 pregnancy my 3rd one where i was on the depo shot & still having a normal period & late one night i felt movement so the next morning i took a pregnancy test & it was positive when i went to the dr's they did an ultrasound i was 4 months pregnant. then when she was born the pediatrician said she was at least a week over due. & i had absolutley no clue, no signs i weighed 115 pounds & had a flat stomach.
  • It's comforting to know that others have the same feeling. My doctor makes me feel like I'm losing it when I explained how it felt like a baby kicking. I have two kids and know what it feels like; however, I have had a tubal and know I'm not pregnant. I've had abdominal issues for years and have had every test known to man done...with NO answers. It's very frustrating. I also have bouts of pressure in my upper abdominal area. I've had blood tests, upper gi, urine tests, CT scan, ultrasounds, ect. They have said I have everything from IBS, Gerd, hiatal hernia, reflux, possible stomach ulcer. None of the meds for the above help my symptoms. I think when it comes to gastro, they don't really have a clue and it becomes trial and error. If anyone has been diagnosed with anything else, I would love to hear from you so I can take the information to my doctor to check out. Good luck to everyone!
  • I have movement in the upper left side, just below my left ribs. It is only in that area and does not hurt..just feels wierd. It has been coming and going for the past 3 days...I had three children and know the feeling of a baby kicking and that is what it feels like...but not chance I can be. I have no problem with bowels and no heart burn or gas issues. It is bugging/worrying me now that I will go to the Doctor. Hubby thinks perhaps muscle spasm...nevers perhaps...who knows, all I know is it feels odd...
  • Naw! It's a tapeworm, they're notorious suckers for sweet stuff
  • Its either a baby or you've swallowed a dwarf covered in sugar Sorry that was a bit flippant - made me smile tho
  • I was hoping for an answer... I, too, have these symptoms and I am not pregnant. I haven't had sex.
  • You swallowed the seeds, didn't ya?
  • Well if you have not been careful, and even if you have it could be a baby. However, after I had my three boys I had muscle movement in my abdomen. It did feel like a baby kicking. My DR told me it was my muscles returning to what they should be and not to worry. I listened to him and those feeling did stop.

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