• No. If that were true, all of the people who know about natural healing would be making all the money. Traditional doctors (not to mention the CDC in the USA) would be shaking their heads in amazement at the people with cancer, colds, MS, and all kinds of other diseases who were getting well using "natural" medicine.
    • be fair, the question is asking (I think) "Do you believe that effective natural cures exist for every disease?" rather than "Do you believe that natural cures that are known and used are effective?" But perhaps I'm mistaken?
  • No, I believe that there can be a natural cure for a natural disease, but with as many artificial influences acting in our lives and on our bodies, you can't expect them to heal themselves naturally as they are supposed to. With all the pollution, all the decidedly unnatural things that we put into our bodies in the course of our lives, the general environment of toxicity that we live in, "Natural" diseases are a very rare occurance. Just about any disease can be traced back to some artificial influence, if people lived a completely "Natural" existance, then there could be natural cures for their diseases. But we don't and can't live a completely natural existance in this day and age, so if artificial influences cause the diseases, then it's use will probably be needed to cure them.
  • I have successfully used many natural cures, especially herbs and TCM, including nutrition and bodywork. I have seen it work where convention medicine didn't. I've seen many people have worse problems going to a conventional doctor, even dying from simple infections in hospitals. I have had a few relatives and friends that were supposedly uncurable or ready to hae an operation, cured or remission from alternative medicine, including cancer. I feel that I will always try somethng more natural or alternative and give it a chance before I'll give a doctor a chance. I've been so disappointed in the past. It's cheaper and easier and usually, I've found, more effective. Doctors and the FDA don't champion natural things because there just isn't the money to be made that way.
  • No, let's do the math. Is there a natural cure for MS, MD, cancer, polio, herpes, syphilis, AIDS, osteoarthrisis, etc. A natural approach to the treatment of disease and disorders is important, but not an end all.
  • God know - I like the cure to work.
  • This is a very broad question! Yes, to a point I do, but it's very complex over all. Many traditional Western (chemical) medications treat NOT the CAUSE of an illness, but the SYMPTOMS of the illness. They do not address what caused the person's body to be open to catching or developing a disease. That's what makes our immune system both so fantastic and also so vulnerable to different influences that can lead to or cause disease. We bombard ourselves with so much "crap," the air we breath, chemicals we clean with...(both ourselves and our homes) our foods, the clothes we wear, the carpet we walk on and what our homes are built with...all are chemically treated and mostly with things are are NOT good for us to be around, or to absorb through our skin or to ingest! Then too...there are the air we breath, to foods, to products... And sometimes we do not eat "correctly" even if everything you eat is organic and the meats are hormone free..(an many of us DO spend the extra money, assuming we have buy pure organic foodstuffs and hormone free meats?) Smoking, second hand smoke, over indulging in sugar, fat, alcohol, "medications" and illegal drug use, all contribute if we are using or exposed to these things. When you add them all's a wonder that we are as generally healthy as we are at times! In many ways, LIFE has become a disease! So, yes, while I think there are useful, working ways to combat specific illness and disease, naturally, I also think that ideally we can no more hope to be successful with Natural Cures than we can with Traditional (chemical) treatments...if we are unwilling to attempt to address the WHOLE of an illness. With any treatment, it seems we should support the body in not getting sick in the first place, and (because the first is really pretty hard to do 100% of the time) also support the healing process on as many levels as possible...including the mind and the emotions.
  • The medical community hasn't found a real cure for anything since what...polio? Drug cos and the AMA have a vested interest in seeing us all treated, medicated but NOT cured. Many alternative therapies & particularly nutritional supplements cannot be controlled or regulated or patented. If you need a diagnosis or to have something removed, yes, go for the doctors and all. For other things, where your md is just treating the symptoms, I'm willing to try natural cures.
  • All cures are natural only. Medicines help natural process to cure the disease faster. Without the help of nature no cure is possible. "It is quite evident that the accomplishments of all the sciences having man as an object remain insufficient, and our knowledge of ourselves is still most rudimentary" says Dr. Alexis Carrel winner of Nobel Prize in Medicine.
  • absolutely!
  • No I do not but then I do not believe in a medical cure for every desease either. We all know that at the moment every desease is not curable.
  • i think with all of the chemicals in our food and pharmaceuticals we are unable to obtain and maintain good Health. Aspertame will keep you sick no matter what you do naturally so will cigarettes. In the past before we changed to chemical control of symptoms - yes it could be done naturally. no more .
  • i think with all of the chemicals in our food and pharmaceuticals we are unable to obtain and maintain good Health. Aspertame will keep you sick no matter what you do naturally so will cigarettes. In the past before we changed to chemical control of symptoms - yes it could be done naturally. no more .
  • Now remember, diseases have increased with the new environment. Only so many can be cured.
  • i think that natural 'cures' can compliment modern treatments but so far as cure every disease on their own i'm not so sure.
  • Pretty much, but there's so many new things out there, it's hard to say that there is for sure.
  • Yes! If you keep the colon clean and not damage your body by smoking, over-drinking, drugs, etc. Your body is made by God to heal itself. If you add ozone therapy and good nutrition you have got it all. Albert
  • Yes, and it is the same thing for each one. Dehydrate Tom Cruise, crush him into powder and mix a tea spoon of him in an 8 oz glass of water.
  • No, I believe disease is mother nature's way to thinning the herd.
  • back in the day when natural medicine was the only medicine did people die? where was the cure for the plague, cholera, small pox, they thought the cure for VD was salts of mercury. i think i'll stick with bread mold.
  • This is an interesting question... many of the people who have attempted to answer this question fail to look outside the 'box'. Everything on this Earth is derived from the elements natural to this earth. As we have become more sophisticated beings, we have turned/developed the basic elements that have been contained on Earth into resources of 'better/more refined' uses. i.e synthetics etc (all essentially derived from natural substances that were present on Earth way before human-kind). So what does this have to do with medicine? The origins of many/most diseases are unknown to man... Somewhere along the line they have emerged whether it be from mutations in genes or proteins etc... but why these for this occurring is unknown. As many are aware (through a certain degree of media attention) there are many diseases/viruses that are cured from the origins of natural life/ the natural world. i.e smoke bush (a prehistoric plant) has been found to have therapeutic benefits that can cure certain cancers.. i.e. penicillin basically derived from bacteria... (the fundamentals for our world, the most basic entities.) So my eventual answer is yes, there are natural cures for all diseases. Some may be in its most basic form of natural life i.e. penicillin and bacteria, however some cures have been refined from natural substances that have been mixed/altered by scientific means. Nevertheless, the cures/medications have eventually derived from natural substances/elements.
  • Yes, it was the first medicine in the world and the starts of all medicine right now. Natural Health Medicine are still the safest you can take in terms of medication or for every diseases. if you want to learn more about natural health care i would suggest you to visit which is a welcome site of Dr. Joseph Mercola.
  • I believe in using a combination of alternative and traditional medicine.
  • i supose so, if the diesae was created naturally... if its artificaly there will be no natural cure
  • Pretty much. MD's killed both of my parents. When the time comes, the hospital is the one place I plan NOT to be.
  • no. nothing's cured cancer yet.
  • Yes, 100%.
  • Since everyone wants a one magic pill that cures everything I am going to tell you what it is so pay attention. STOP CHASING CURES AND YOU HAVE JUST FOUND THE ONE TRUE CURE.
  • No.The worldly have to make use of all types of therapies.Even alternative medicine helps a few. Every disease does not have cure even in alopathy! Because no medicine is perfect!
  • For every disease no but for cuts bruises cough colds I always use my natural cures.
  • yes, without a shadow of a doubt.
  • Not for every one and not in all cases and certainly not alone as the only remedy. Certain things are your bodies way of saying... "Ut ohhh you sure did it this time." I believe in more preventitive medicine as far as naturals go. Especially in the case of cancers and metabolic disorders.
  • Almost-- except if your body part has converted to stone. Body is a big factory producing many chemicals, metals , salts etc.exactly at right time. if u get, A small scratch on skin, who cures it? Even biggest of doctor can not claim its cure. Nature itself is healer. If u don't do excesses to body in this birth or as hindues say in previous births, u don't get disease. Germs of TB, POLIO, Aids, Pnumonia, Dengui,etc are floating in air or water 24 x 7 everywhere,.. Some fall ill some do not. So main reason to fall ill is low-resistance-power of self than germs. The deficient salt or chemical in body can be reproduced inside with correct methosd of reenergising the body using Yoga, naturopathy, homeopathy or ayurvedetc. This is more correct, lasting & cheaper way.Outside supplementing of chemicals can give ur body, bad-side-effects.
  • yes i do, there've been reports of people having cancer or not being able to walk again, who have overcome what the doctors said, all by just thinking that they could. it's called the law of attraction. watch the documentary the secret to learn more about it, it was like seriously good, and totally worth watching it.
  • No. Some diseases have no cure-natural, surgical or pharmacutical.
  • cures are only by nature. Make a simple scratch on ur skin. No biggest doctor on earth can cure this simple cut. No strongest antibiotic can cure it. Skin cures itself naturally. All chemicals injected in body only create weakness to develope cancer,Asthma, psorisis, in our body. What to talk of aids,& cancer,No biggest doctor on earth can even cure simple ailments like Asthma, Psorisis, blood pressure, diabitese permanently. Only naturally these can be still cured. Why not to goto to learn some more.
  • Not for the politician disease!
  • the question is quite ambiguous so i will answer in the positive bio 101 teaches that there are TWO types of infection bacteria and virus. lots and lots of bacteria infections have been cured starting with Pasteur,however it is unlikely that a virus infection can be cured naturally or unnaturally.
  • I don't think there is a cure (that we know of) for ALL diseases, 'yet', but I think there are MANY food and natural cures for MANY diseases. I think prevention is the key and I think proper FOOD plays a huge role in our health.
  • i believe that out there, is a natural cure for every illness!!
  • yes as if the body has the right substance it can cure anything
  • I use to think that natural cures were a bunch of hooey but lately I've seen the positive side of them. Some things need meds though! I've seen people go into remission from cancer by changing their diet so I guess anything is possible. My son will be starting a new therapy to help with his allergies and it's all natural so I really hope to see results. We're tired of plugging him full of meds everday.
  • Not for every disease but for some, I believe that. Preventive medicine is probably the best thing for diseases, what you put in your body will make a huge difference so you want to try to stay with natural foods as much as possible.
  • Yes there are natural cures for some diseases like Cancer For example: Some Herbs and special kind of hot spices have cancer fighting properties Garlic, and turmeric Olive oil or natural olives, just basic products when eaten everyday will fight cancer.
  • Yup. Been there done that. I've studied alternative medicine for 30 years. What we call "modern medicine" has saved my life and that of my children. However, those same miracle working doctors have also endangered my life, given me medicine that has made me sicker, and surgeries I didn't need. I had 4 babies at home because the doctors said I HAD to have a cesarean. Every birth was a smashing success. I have been fortunate enough to have good tutors who have walked me through curing a number of diseases that doctors tell me must be cured through prescriptions. I have learned through personal experience how to cure many illnesses without prescriptions including pneumonia and bronchitis, fever, flu (yes even the swine flu), and a bone infection among other problems. The thing is every time I think I have it all figured out, there's more to learn. Doctors do come in handy when I need certain tests done, but I have even found labs that will run just about any lab test very cheaply if you don't go through a medical doctor. You pay them, they send you the test, and you send the result to whatever doctor you choose. Sometimes I go to a doctor, listen to what he says, then pay him and go and research and do what I need to do. I think the answer to your question is that there are natural cures for every disease, but we don't always get the answers in time. You do the best you can with what you have, and pray.
  • Patients want something β€˜natural’ to try to cure their cancer or prevent the return of cancer,” says Dr Gregory Echt, the founder of prostate seed institute. But the people promoting these treatment options might not necessarily have a medicinal or oncology background. In addition, patients who try these healing may find, when they come back to seek conventional treatment, that it’s too late and their cancer has already extend.
  • Do you understand death is a 'natural cure' for every disease?
  • When the body experiences a deficiency of something it needs to provide a healthy function, it shows its need through signs (or symptoms). The medical profession has capitalized on this and has labeled these symptoms "disease" so they can sell their manufactured drugs for huge profits. In most cases, symptoms (such as high blood pressure, arthritis, high cholesterol, asthma, etc) can be corrected without medical intervention if the person is a little knowledgeable on how the body works.
  • nope, id do what a doctor says if its a serious disease
  • I have type 1 Diabetes (46 years) and would like to punch in the face people who say that. Abstract Type 1 diabetes represents a serious disease which is caused by autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing B cells in the pancreas. Administration of exogenous insulin cannot replace sensitive and gentle regulation of blood glucose levels that is established by B cells in healthy individuals. Pancreas or islet transplantation is limited by a shortage of donor pancreas and by complications associated with transplantations. For those reasons, new approaches of treatment are being searched, the using of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) envisions a promising tool for cell-based therapy of type 1 diabetes. MSCs have a significant impact on the regulation of the immune system, are a potent source of various cytokines and growth factors and manifest multilineage differentiation abilities. In context of type 1 diabetes, MSCs can transdifferentiate into insulin-producing cells, support the regeneration of residual B cells by production of trophic and growth factors or participate in the suppression of the autoimmune reaction against B cells. This review is focused on perspectives and mechanisms of MSC-based therapy and its limitations. Key words: autoimmune reaction - differentiation - mesenchymal stem cells - type 1 diabetes.
  • meds can help
  • No. Meds and science can help.

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