• NO!! Not even for a fraction of a second would I believe that our present GOP Government was in any way behind it. Nor even would I believe that a Democrat white house would be behind it either.
  • No, there is a good South Park episode showing how ridiculous that is.
  • No. I do honestly believe that we should stop worrying about it and just accept the fact that it happened and nothing is going to change it.
  • no.......bin laden and his boys are solely respinsible
  • I certainly don't believe that the US government actively took part in the destruction. However, I think if you push someone long enough, they're going to push back. That goes for countries, too. Can you imagine what the US would do if another country came into our land, exploited our resources, trod on sacred principles, told us how stong our military could be and got wealthy doing it? Do you think we'd have revolutionary factions forming somewhere?
  • Yes, I definitely do! 9-11 was the 'Pearl Harbour' that they wanted and needed for the war in Iraq and to take more of our rights away using Homeland Security. I cannot believe that people still trust their government officials! How much evidence do you need? How many lies do you need to catch them in? How much proof do you need? Anyone who researches the Federal Reserve, the Illuminati and New World Order will tell you that the government are not in control of our world, it is the shadows who are working BEHIND them who have the agenda and power. It is the elite of the world who control everything, including the media. History repeats itself again, Hitler and Bush are not that different, they even have many identical quotes for God's sake! Wake up! Ask questions! Stand up and take control of your life back from these greedy monsters, before it is too late.
  • I seriously hope not because if this is true how could you believe anything any government has to say or does
  • no, I don t think we even had a real clue.
  • Yes I do. It makes a lot more sense than the attacks themselves. I would recommend watching "Loose Change". You can only find it on youtube or other internet sources. There's a link below to it as well as another review on the ACTUAL events of that day. (the movie called loosechange)
  • YES!!!! BUSH, BLAIR and bin laden the 3 B's they are all evil and they all want the power, they wont stop at nothing to get it and will do what ever it takes to get it.
  • I don't think it matters.
  • Of course not. No more than 02-26-93 was. Or 10-12-2000. Or 08-07-98. Or 12-07-41.
  • You are really off the beam if you think our government is responsible for 9/11. Our government cannot take responsibility for the actions of citizens of other governments in other parts of the world. The people and their leaders are responsible for their own actions. They made choices and followed up on them. No one made these choices for them. They took a hell of a lot of money from the US for whatever oil we and the countries in Europe and Asia bought from them. (The US is only one player in the oil purchase market) The rich got richer and the poor had their religion. It was their choice to do what they did.
  • To be honest, even if it was, what are you going to do? The government controls us, we cannot do anything.
  • Check out these quotes,and this is only ONE. "What good fortune for governments that the people do not think." Adolf Hitler "You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on." George W. Bush
  • Just the fact that there were no military planes in sight protecting the most guarded area's in the world tell's me it definately is an inside job. How do they explain building # 7?

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