• My life so far: Snow, mountains, relationships and love, puberty, first steps, education and acknowledgement of the 'greats', music my beauty - music my rock, films, sport, technological progress, belief, fact, philosophies and cultural diversity, travel. My life from this point forward: More snow and mountains, more relationships, love, experiments with maturity and experience, trying new things, classical music, acceptance of cultural change, to be one of hopefully many middle-aged skaters, travel, watching new and exciting adventures on the TV of astronaughts, deep sea divers, understanding further and with the rest of the race what this planet has to offer. A few wishes: Global Warming a conquerable concept, no more war, no more hate, new and exciting things to keep us all occupied all over this tiny world, for everyone to be safe, happy, for everyone to share and for everyone to respect everything, whether it be others property or others opinions, or the planet. If my life goes the way i have it planned i will be content.
  • I love my husband, I love my children, and I love my family. I am happy.
  • I did the best I could. From a paragraph to a very short sentence.
  • "please love the little children - all of them"
  • I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue. I'm made out of glue.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat everyone like you want them to treat you.
  • Some of it's tragic, some of it's magic, but I've had a good life all the way.

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