• It is a mental message to himself to remember not to pass the ball to his teammates.
  • He thinks it makes him look cool. Iverson grew up in the hood and never forgot his roots. What does it do? It ruins his appearance.
  • Pretty sure that the sleeve covers a few tats deemed too racy by Dictator Stern
  • That slave keeps his arm warm and thanks to that he has better shooting
  • it is used to hide his many tattoos
  • He wears a compression sleeve, and it does exactly what other compression gear does. It helps keep your muscles warm, helps improve blood circulation, reduces the fatigue and soreness felt, and keeps swelling down. In Allen Iverson's case, he has bursitis in the elbow of his shooting arm and this sleeve helps keep the swelling down. I'm sure that the secondary reason for the sleeve is that his muscles are fatigued from all of the shooting that he does.
  • It supposedly helps his surgically repaired elbow. That's the best I've got. I like how he always has them in matching colors with his uniform, no matter who he plays for (the powder blue in Denver were impressive).
  • i think he wears it to be cool... allen iverson is known from his sleeve

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