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  • It is just a personal preferance thing. But I would get that foreskin cut off, it just looks weird.
  • In response to your question, the only real difference is sensation for the penetrator. Try both and see what you like, there is no proper way of doing it.
  • The pleasure comes from friction, so it doesn't matter where the foreskin is on penetration because it will move back and forth no matter what as you build your sweet rhythm.
  • Being intact is the normal way to be around the world. I think there is a difference. For both participants in intercourse. Pulling the foreskin forward and then inserting gives you a lot more flexibility with movement (in an out) and you won't need any or much lubricant this way. It's natural. Your partner can sometimes feel more ribbing/massage with your skin much like the "ribbed" condoms (but it's your foreskin instead). If you have to use a condom, then it's better to pull your skin back as much as it's natural for you before putting it on.
  • I wouldn't know my turtle neck was removed long ago.
  • Ideally, a man's foreskin will cover the glans during erection, but upon entry, it will be forcibly retracted by a woman's vaginal spincter. Thus deployed, the remarkably sensitive nerves lining the inner foreskin will receive direct contact with a woman's moist vaginal tissues. On the "out" stroke, the same vaginal sphincter is designed to pull the foreskin back over the glans, both as a protective device, and to help conserve vaginal moisture within the foreskin. Copious amounts of vaginal moisture are a necessary element of normal sexual intercourse, and intercourse should never be attempted until the female is "sopping wet", to quote a friendly doctor. Genitally altered men don't have this facility, and vaginal moisture is wicked to the outside air during intercourse with a circumcised man, where the moisture gradually evaporates. This is the cause of dry, painful, chafing intercourse for many women, and it is the reason why circumcised men must purchase and use messy, expensive, artificial lubricants. Some men have a fairly short foreskin, which remains retracted during intercourse. This is not necessarily an ideal circumstance. A few men will lengthen their foreskin (by stretching exercises) to encourage the more ideal "in and out" movement of the foreskin, which was suggested by Cheamigo's post. Rood

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