• I guess I would just nod and agree with him, we will soon see how superior he is 3-4 months later.
  • Jesus was a loony who thought he was the son of an incoporeal spirit. What does that make your friend?
  • We'd no longer be friends after I heard him say it one time. It's very simple. I don't have the time or energy for a friendship with someone who thinks and acts that way. And I don't really have the interest, anyway. The world is too full of people with healthier-mind sets to get involved with chauvinistic boneheads.
  • I would smack him up and say "Cut the crap, you're being sexist and if you don't stop I'll report you." If he didn't stop I'd report him and not be his friend anymore.
  • I would say "without a women(mother) Jesus might not have taken birth".
  • Given that Jesus could only be one sex, and that a woman who tried to preach as he did would have probably have been whipped and locked up, and would almost certainly not have been listened to, there was hardly any choice.
  • "Without women, you would not be alive." Then walk off and let him to enjoy his own company.
  • I would read him Galatians 3:28, 29, where it says: β€œThere is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one person in union with Christ Jesus. Moreover, if you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.” Then I would tell him to start talking about Christ and to begin walking as the Christ and to go forth treating everyone like equals.
  • I bet Jesus listened to and respected his mother... a woman! Just tell him with an attitude like that he wont be meeting him anyways.
  • I would inform this "friend" of his ignorance of scripture and find more suitable company.
  • I really don't think that a friend of mine would be a friend of mine if he was talking trash like that.
  • Jesus always gave special attention to women. He allowed Mary to wash his feet with perfume even though the disciples were berating her about it. He specifically made sure his mother would be taken care of while he was dying on the cross. The first human to see him after the resurrection was a woman. He saved a woman who was being stoned for adultery. The list goes on and on...
  • Even though women are considered 'the weaker vessel' this was meant that they must be treated with more care and attention, not with less dignity or respect. Which do you treat more gently, a water class or a champagne glass? Which is more elegant? Many times the things that are most valueable to us are more delicate, and deserve to be treated as such. We should value women and treat them with utmost respect and care. Assign them the dignity of something precious and valueable and something we would never want to see broken.
  • I used to try and reason with people who talked like this in many ways, biblical verse, simple logiac and you know what? you can't change him. The best thing you can do is tell him you have little to no respect for him and stop hanging around with him. There are enough reasonable people in this world that you should be able to pick your firends, and morals and ethics should be high on your list of reasons to/not to hang out with somebody.
  • The only reason i would think Jesus was a man was at this time there would be no woman accepted and loved and worshiped the way they did Jesus, so God was no fool and made him a man
  • Remind him that according to the teachings of the bible, which I am assuming he places some store in, even God itself was dependant upon a *Woman* to bring it's son into the world, so ner. And if women are so "Inferior" to men, perhaps he would prefer to be left to himself to bask in his own masculine superiority.
  • They are very hard to convince. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't know what to tell them. They are so hard-headed, and stuck in the way they believe, sorry to say. My ex thought very much like that. Infact he would use bible verses against me to prove his point. Not only was he abusive, but he was very controlling.
  • Just being him is punishment enough. Let him justify at will.
  • i would not have this ignorant of a friend first of all!!!then i wouldnt have to deal with such silliness.
  • I would laugh...... no seriously though; If your friend is really meaning this (he's really religious) then I would just explain to him that his ideas are what he has been taught to believe and that you don't agree therefore it does not apply to your way of life. So if he attempts to use this excuse on you again, you know that he doesn't respect your beliefs, and he's not being a good friend. A good friend will accept you for who you are. But he seems like he is just being sexist. I don't know why you would want to be around someone who doesn't mind putting you down, I think you need to start looking for new friends who share your beliefs or will accept you and respect your beliefs while having their own. Thats my two cents.
  • ask him if jesus would use that as an excuse for arrogance.
  • I would say that your friend wasn't very loving and should try to follow Christ's example a little more.
  • Basically, i would be insulted. I would have to point out that had a WOMAN not held jesus for nine months in her womb, he wouldn't have been born. Also, for failing to see this point and for being rude in my opinion i would probably call the person an idiot.
  • I'd tell him that you're all a bunch of misogynist loonies and smile affectionately. :)
  • slap him and tell him he should be humbled by your presence!
  • I'd bitch slap his dumb ass back to Jesus times.
  • Those are not the type of friends that I have, actually. We wouldn't be friends. I have a problem with cultivated ignorance and bigotry. Therefore, I'd probably say, "My Goddess gave birth to your God," and leave it at that.
  • Laughter, lots and lots of laugher and ask him if he had any more half witted statements he wanted to make, just to cheers you up. And anyway Jesus didnt want me for a sunbeam, so that show's you how little he knows!
  • "God made woman from Man's rib, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be walked upon, but from his side, to be his partner in life, from under his arm to be protected by him, and from near his heart to be loved by him." -anon
  • Men are born from women, Jesus had a mom too, he came from us so wouldn't that make us superior b/c we are partly responsible for creating him there was no man involved in his creation(immaculate conception)... but I would find a new friend he is obviously a sexist pig.
  • Well, I would label him a sexist for the rest of his days, and abruptly cease contact with him after spitting in his face. Not only is he a sexist, he is an idiot who uses a book and belief system which he clearly knows very little about in order to justify his sexism... *shudders* I hope I never have the misfortune of meeting such a person.
  • I don't know how I would react to a comment with about as much common sense as... I don't know, something with NO common sense! "Jesus" can only be one person- just because that person had a penis doesn't make the entire gender better!! Each person can only be one person- and there are many fantastic people in each gender. If they still refuse to believe that, I don't think I could be friends with them- as they would always see me as inferior. I refuse to 'compete' with someone that IMO was fictional, or at least EXTREMELY over-exaggerated, and LONG since dead!
  • I'd tell him "Jesus did more to elevate the status of women and girls than anyone else in history, male or female. Try imitating him."
  • Yes Jesus was a man a real perfect man. If this person is going to use Jesus as an example maybe he should be following Jesus' example and treating women better. Jesus gave to, healed, preached and comforted men and women alike. He held no precedent for men over women. Men should love women as themselves and treat omen the way they want to be treated.
  • I would politely tell him that their is nobody superior in this world except GOD who is superior, that is Jesus Christ, according to the Holy Scriptures from the Holy Bible. There are 100s of reference which i would read out to him. If Jesus Christ was superior to woman, than he would'nt have washed the feets of his diciples. There is no superiority only humbleness. Again if he justifies on his statement-he is going against Jesus Christ-becuase Jesus Christ said nobody has authority to judge(justify) except the Heavenly Father in Heaven. So if he refers Jesus Christ, than he should be more humble in all walks of life. Stop Justifying and start living a life of equality. Because GOD created everyone equal!
  • I would politely tell him that their is nobody superior in this world except GOD who is superior, that is Jesus Christ, according to the Holy Scriptures from the Holy Bible. There are 100s of reference which i would read out to him. If Jesus Christ was superior to woman, than he would'nt have washed the feets of his diciples. There is no superiority only humbleness. Again if he justifies on his statement-he is going against Jesus Christ-becuase Jesus Christ said nobody has authority to judge(justify) except the Heavenly Father in Heaven. So if he refers Jesus Christ, than he should be more humble in all walks of life. Stop Justifying and start living a life of equality. Because GOD created everyone equal!
  • I would politely tell him that their is nobody superior in this world except GOD who is superior, that is Jesus Christ, according to the Holy Scriptures from the Holy Bible. There are 100s of reference which i would read out to him. If Jesus Christ was superior to woman, than he would'nt have washed the feets of his diciples. There is no superiority only humbleness. Again if he justifies on his statement-he is going against Jesus Christ-becuase Jesus Christ said nobody has authority to judge(justify) except the Heavenly Father in Heaven. So if he refers Jesus Christ, than he should be more humble in all walks of life. Stop Justifying and start living a life of equality. Because GOD created everyone equal!
  • I would laugh at him, and tell him if he wants to play the religious card to justify his misogyny, he picked the LAMEST way to do it. Below are some quotes he SHOULD have used. For every quote you try to find in our beautiful "holy" books that seems to suggest equality or good treatment of women (and they're hard to find), there are at least 10 that obviously support this guy's sick sexist crap. Face it, the Bible is VERY clear in support of his opinion - some of the quotes below are supposedly direct quotes from God, Jesus, or Moses. I'm a nihilist atheist though, so I respect women and can happily ignore, if not be a bit appalled by, anything written in these old books. Here they are. Feel the inspiration!: "For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman but woman for man." - 1 Corinthians, 11:8 "O, woman, what have you to do with me?" - John 1:4 (Jesus, to his mother) "For the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does..." - 1 Corinthians 7:4 "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." - Numbers 31:17 (Moses, on child murder and raping the virgins) "Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." - Timothy 2:11 "As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says. If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church." - 1 Corinthians 14:34 "Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord." - Ephesians 5:22 "And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even. And every thing that she lieth upon in her separation shall be unclean: every thing also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean. And whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And whosoever toucheth any thing that she sat upon shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And if it be on her bed, or on any thing whereon she sitteth, when he toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the even. And if any man lie with her at all, and her flowers be upon him, he shall be unclean seven days; and all the bed whereon he lieth shall be unclean." - Leviticus 15:19-24
  • Take note of how Jesus treated women - and everyone for that matter.
  • i think the whole idea of that is stupid no man or women should try and justify themselves as superior like you get intellegent men and intellegent women and strong men and strong women you cant justify it on that as his mother mary was a women and which shows it takes a man/or god in this case and a women to make another being
  • He wouldn't be my friend for long; nothing to deal with, then.
  • well i would say...."Linda Smith down the street is a woman so that makes me better than you" being that neither statement makes any sense to me...
  • It is biblically inaccurate- God made woman from man that is true. However God made woman as a companion to man not as a servant to man. Many ignorant guys misrepresent the information. However if you read from the purest from of biblical teachings you would know that the concept from the mind of Jesus was not that he was superior to a woman. Jesus saw woman and man as equals in the eyes of God.
  • I'm afraid we wouldn't be friends for long. If we disagree so profoundly on something like that, then chances are we wouldn't really be compatible in many areas. I don't mean that in a "If you think that way, I'm not going to be your friend." way. I mean it in a, I don't think we would have much in common and therefore wouldn't be able to maintain much of a friendship sort of way.
  • I would ask him 'What are you going to do at the Second Coming when Jesus returns as a woman?'
  • Well, if he recalls Jesus was a man, he kn ows that much, Jesus did not demand to abe superior, he was a leader and teacher, Maybe your friend is really using the wrong "person" TO Immitate, Tell him he should look up the background and characters on people like Julius Caeser, orHenry the great, or any male that had superior roles, but JESUS BEING A MAN IS NOT A REASON TO BE A JERK, BECAUSE HE IS MALE,, AND POOR BEHAVIOR, NOMATTER WHY,, IS NOT JESUS LIKE,, (well that is my opinion)
  • How would I deal with it? I don't know. I wouldn't consider someone who thought like that an intelligent friend.
  • Tell me about his behavior.
  • I wouldn't deal with it. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you upset. He knows you can't argue with that. Who can argue against Jesus? You can't. The guy sounds super immature and juvenile. Avoid it. But, I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion. The thing is...even if men were superior to women...then what? So what? Its all superficial bunkum. Pay ye no heed to such frivolity.
  • I would not be his friend any more. I would suggest he go back and re-read the bible, because he is mistaken in his logic. Man is the head, but woman is the neck that turns the head. Anyone who uses religion or the bible to "justify" poor behavior is an A** anyway, and being his friend just supports his bad behavior.
  • What a chauvinist C***. Remove his assets, without anaesthetic. As for Jesus being a man, what made Jesus so great that a whole humanity who happens to be XY out of sheer chance are "Superior" because of something Jesus did. We don't even know if he existed.
  • I would like some actual proof! Can he prove that Jesus was man? I doubt it. If he were really so damn superior, he could prove his point of view, don't you think?!
  • I wouldn't have a friend with this mentality period.
  • I'd stab him in the Jesus
  • Jesus was a man, but God is a woman. Man couldn't create such beauty.
  • There's nothing to deal with if you quit being ther friend.
  • You can't deal with him because he has a deep belief in something. Unfortunately that is the problem with most religions, once you have a person totally devout it is hard to have them expand their minds because all they will do is quote from biblical passages. This goes for all religions, so the simple answer is to review if you enjoy this person around for other things and avoid discussions that religion could be used as the answer. Discussions when involving religion never work out, because the true believer will just tout the bible, and hold stead-fast at that belief without truly thinking deeper and beyond words of a book.
  • i would just have one less friend.
  • I'd probably say something along these lines. "I am the Anti-Christ, I know this shit, trust me. There was a mistake in the bible, the scribe who took it down had a cramped hand so he made some shot cuts and wrote simply that jesus was a "he". Jesus was actually a one legged hermaphrodite. Now stop being an asshole." Just call me diplomat John.
  • No friend of mine would have that mentality. If it suddenly developed I would have no problem letting him think that all by himself.
  • Kind of an archaic and definitely misguided mentality. I probably would nor have a person like that as a friend
  • That is not what the Bible teaches at all! People may twist or use a piece of information to justify their own opinions. You may find this Bible based article helpful. 'Does the Bible Discriminate Against Women?'The link is below. There are many Scriptures that teach a man (in particular, a husband) how he should treat women. At Ephesians chapter 5 verses 28-29 "In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own body; but feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also cherishes the congregation." King James differs in wording due to the Old English but the message is the same. Please contact me if you wish if you want any further information. My name is Jase. I'd be glad to help you help your friend to see what Jesus really taught. Good luck and may God bless your efforts. my e-mail
  • I'd challenge him to a game, beat him at it and have him explain his 'superiority'.
  • Your friend is an idiot. He must have serious male-compensation issues.
  • i'd get a new friend...really, that would bug the shit out of me.
  • Why would I...have a friend like that?
  • And a woman gave birth to Him. I wouldn't deal with him at all, people like that are basically unchangable because they see themselves as perfect..everything they do can be and is justifiable by one thing or another. I don't really have much patience with those kinds of attitudes...from either sex.
  • Ignore him and probably draw back from the friendship.
  • that whole i can do whatever i want cuz im a guy crap is way out of line. tell him to knock it off.
  • Yeah, another man, with his head up his *ss. Honestly, I couldn't have friends like this, it would be arguing 24/7.
  • And Jesus' Mother was a Woman, so sit down, behave yourself and do what you are told, like the good superior being you want to be :o)
  • I don't think he would be my friend.
  • yeah..jesus is a man..BUT..jesus treated us all equaL..der was no more superior than a man or a woman!...
  • I can't stand when men say that, but this is what i would say Jesus was a PERFECT man and he died for things that he did not do. When you can walk a perfect walk without straying I will follow you. Using the Bible to justify misbehavior is absurd. If he's a great example of the true meaning of the Man is the head then let's talk until then hush. Having a penis doesn't give you that title automatically. I know households that would fall apart if the women backed down and gave the man his rightful place. Be the man God talked about before you start taking the fruits of the labor of real men.
  • In ancient times and in that specific culture women had different responsibilities, taking care of the children home, food, etc... men were the warriors, thinkers, leaders. if Jesus had appeared as a woman how well do you think he would have been received in a culture that did not value the opinions of a woman. In today's culture it is important to realize that women have just as much power as men, although there is still some injustice, a woman can become president (or at least run) and both men and women have to abide by the same social boundaries and expectations. if he is going to act superior then he needs to be prepared for the consequences he may experience from that. Jesus himself was a humble man who himself treated women with respect.
  • Tell him that if he believes in Jesus he therefore believes in Christianity - and in Christianity we are all equal and do not make remarks like that.
  • When God made men SHE was joking! :D lol
  • I would simply tell them that I will pray that Jesus reveals the truth to them. In the meantime, if it takes a while for truth to be revealed, I would have to temporarily, or permanently if that is what it takes, to remove myself from that life style.
  • That's fine if that's the kind of friends you want to keep....I wouldn't be friends with someone like that.
  • You might want to read to him the Bible story about Lazareth who died and was brought back to life. Only in this guys case, there would be no bringing him back to life. Sounds like a real jerk!
  • I'd say "well God's a woman!!" yeah. It's a fact. Haha idk but God could very well be.
  • Nah, we just let you believe that because of your fragile egos! Adam was the prototype, Eve was the improvement! Men are the head of the household, but the woman is the neck that sways the head! And lastly if women are so inferior why do 95% of men seem to prefer them? Go be with a man if you think they are superior!
  • Jesus was superior to us all, not because he was a man, but because he had the fullness of God, Colossians 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell. He overcame his flesh nature, nailing death and sin to the cross, and has given us the gift to overcome ours, if we humble ourselves and follow him by dying to our flesh nature and being born of the spirit, this requires humility not pride.
  • Jesus was also a Jew so Jews must be superior to anyone who is not Jewish. Jesus was from the Middle East, so people from the Middle East must be superior to the people in North America. I can go on, if you like.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Nope, Jesus said He will bring Jews and Gentiles together and make them into one flock with one Shepherd. John 10:16 "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one Shepherd."
  • Throughout the history of the world, men have always been physically stronger. Both genders were not created to compete with each other. If your friend has more to offer you, it all comes down to the weaker link is not superior than the stronger link. So put up or shut up to justify your actions.

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