• We developed weapons of mass destruction that can not only kill ourselves but just about everything else in this world.. so i'd say Yes!
  • No, at least we don't eat each other with our mouths....that's too impolite. =)
  • No humans are not the most dangerous animals on earth. For we are not animals i.e. we have a thumb and a mind that can dicern an image in mirror,and we stand upright on two legs. Yes we are mamals but by no means an animal.
  • I'de say so.
  • Yes we are definitely which other animal kills with as much intent planning and precision as we do?
  • no, we are only the most dominant because we made ourselves that way because we used the intelligence that god so kindly gave us. if we were not so inteligent, then i think we would not have all the gadgetry we do and would be, for our size, one of the most vunerable creatures on Earth. it is only our numbers the fact we have cars and guns etc that we rule the Earth. by rule, i mean that we are unopposed by anything.
  • We have nuclear bombs that can demolish half the face of the earth. Us humans have killed millions of people over centuries. So yes.
  • By far.
  • By far. We kill and destroy for the fun, profit or sometimes for no apparent reason at all. Animals are too smart to destroy themselves and the world around them.. for no good reason.
  • Without any doubt only one other animal will use a weapon and that is just a stick or natural protection. We have developed weapons to wipe out the whole population. Every evil kind of death or abuse we are capable of inflicting apon one another. That certainly makes us the most dangerous animal both On the earth and to the universe we inhabit
  • you dip-shits that say we aren't, take a ticket for your reality check..YES! We're killing each other, killing the earth, killing animals for vanity...we're sick and peverse, and osama should drop some more surprises on us...we will die out, and the earth will restore itself for a less self-destructive fuck you all, and your children..animals besides humans should inherit the earth...we should all be slaughtered..have a nice day
  • Not humans. Spider-man.
  • Without a doubt. We are also the most dangerous animals in the solar system as well. We need to work on the galaxy and then the universe next.
  • Absolutely, when i carry a gun, it's not to fight off animals.
  • I seriously cant wait until we are completely wiped out! We have destroyed a once beautiful, and peaceful place that existed 5 billion years before we even got here. Humans really suck... made in God's image???
  • Absolutely %1oo.
  • easily the most dangerous life force in the universe but yet most of us are oblivious to the fact???? why do we disagree when the evidence is heavily stacked against us??
  • Once we get out of our solar system and into the universe at large, I feel sorry for any other sentient life that we encounter. We've been slaughtering each other for our entire history, and we've grown incredibly skilled and efficient at it.
  • We are on earth, but since we know so little about life on other planets, I don't think it's accurate to say that we're the most dangerous animal beyond our solar system.

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