I would get a water bottle ASAP -- rabbits can get several diseases from their water bowls because of the many germs and bacteria that can be in there, esp. if he gets in it b/c then anything on him will get in there too. rabbits can use a water bottle as early as 2-5 weeks. my baby rabbits used their water bottles starting about 2 weeks. at that point they used a little 8-oz bottle but they soon got up to a 16/32 oz bottle. this is just because of the size of the metal tube.
It sounds like your rabbit might be a swimmer. I've seen this before. I had a rabbit who loved her water dish, so one day I put some water in the bath tub....long story short, I had to start letting her "take baths" a few times a week. She just simply loved the water. I've also known people that fill up their kiddie-pools in the back yard, and put their rabbits in it. These rabbits love it. However, most rabbits do hate water so this may sound ridiculous to you. But I swear it's the truth, and maybe you could introduce him to a very shallow bath to see if this is what he likes. Don't ever EVER leave him in the water without your individed attention, of course!
Uh oh! You might have one of these:
my rabbit had a water bottle and she started to knock it down and i was scared that she wouldnt get any water if a wasnt there and she would get sick so i got her a wate bowl and she loves it but she knocks it over sometimes so i just fill it back up. I think it is normal for your bunny to sit in there. I have a question for you how long have you had the bowl in there because if its new then your bunny isnt used to it and is wondering what it is.!!
maybe you should just get another water bottle
get a water bottle
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