• i think it was in a made up galaxy and it is far far away from the milky way galaxy
  • There are 2500 Large Galaxies in the Virgo Supercluster. If George Lucas was asked about which galaxy Star Wars took place in, then he should answer, "One of many galaxies in our Supercluster". This may or may not depend on that someone gives him the following answer: You see, even extragalactically spacefaring civilizations (that have visited Earth) should have limits somewhere, so that it's impractical to go beyond certain limits of space. I'd say that the Supercluster (100 million Light Years) is far enough. Read more about it here: I'd say that some galaxy in this cluster would be a -very- reasonable location for Star Wars to take place. By the way, in reply to the previous answer, there are simply too many galaxies ripe for the taking, to be made up. Many of the galaxies in this supercluster haven't been used by any previous literary work and they're not copyrighted (of course) so the Star Wars franchise could choose one of them with ease.

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