• You will need DVD authoring software. What this will do is make your movie files readable to the DVD player by creating all of the menus and necessary files so that when you put it in your player, it will think that its a standard DVD. There is a good program called HT Authoring Studio which will allow you to create custom menus and edit your movies. You can download a free trial at
  • You need software that can do non-linear editing (NLE) and DVD authoring. There are a couple of reasonably inexpensive PC products that might meet your needs. Not all of the DVD features are supported in them, but they can certainly handle simple menus and chapters. Adobe Premier Elements is a stripped-down version of their much more expensive Premier Pro product. I have read some positive reviews of this product but have not used it myself. Priemiere Elements costs about $100. Pinnacle Studio is available in several different packages, sold as software only or bundled with one of several different interfaces. Studio costs about $100 for the software only, more for packages bundled with an interface. Pinnacle also sells a professional product called Liquid. I purchased Studio bundled with their analog / digital video interface. Both of these products make very high demands on your system. Studio recommends using a separate hard disk, something I have found quite necessary. I use a 200 GB drive for mastering videos, since even a simple project could easily take 25 GB or more. If you have more than one on the go, you can quickly use up disk space. The working disk should be defragmented after you finish projects and have removed all of the data. You should have as much memory and as fast a processor as possible, because rendering is a very slow process that can take one or two minutes to produce each minute of output, depending on the video formats you are using and converting to / from. I have a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 with 512 MB of memory and I consider that to be a fairly modest system for DVD authoring. Rendering becomes bearable if you do it overnight.
  • how do you copy movies from a dvd on to your computer

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