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  • Yes. I've never eaten garlic tasting nipples, but then I've never really *eaten* any nipples. Maybe if your partner tasted of garlic, s/he'd been eating it and the odour was coming out of their pores, or perhaps that's their natural ''flavour''. There's also the possibility their nipple had come into direct contact with garlic and thus tasted of it.
  • I guess. I mean they could have put some garlic flavouring on the nipple, or real garlic. Interesting question..
  • i was with a girl, and her nipples tasted of garlic. I have no idea why, and am trying to findout why without confronting her about it because i think it may be a sore spot.
  • Regular answer: If a child is nursing and their mother has been eating lots of raw garlic then, yes, I suppose. What a weird question. But I guess I must be kind of weird too because I answered it. :x
  • That would be good if you were trying to fend off vampires :)
  • Yes, if they were previously tasted by a person who ate garlic.
  • Nipples can taste like anything you want 'em to. All you need is a set of nipples and the flavoring of your choice.
  • yes, they can and I'll taste mine to prove it.
  • If the person had consume garlic, then yes the nipple would taste of garlic. Actually, it wouldn't be the nipple exactly but the fatty oil you just sucked out of said nipple. You can get them to taste like most anything, so long as there's a fatty oil associated with it.

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