• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Coconut Oil and Candida

    Candida is a yeast produced naturally in the body that only causes trouble when there is an imbalance of bacteria that lets the candida multiply. One way to control this problem is by taking natural coconut oil. The caprylic, capric and lauric acids contained in coconut oil are antimicrobial that kill fungi, bacteria and viruses by disintegrating their cell walls.

    On the Other: Doctor Prescribes Antifungals

    A doctor, after doing extensive tests to diagnose the candida, would prescribe an antifungal such as butoconazole, clotrimazole or nystatin, depending on which part of the body needs treatment. These medicines are usually effective, but can have severe side effects. A strong stomach or gastrointestinal reaction is a common side effect to these antifungal medicines.

    Bottom Line

    Coconut oil does seem to work on candida, You should begin by taking one tablespoon daily and, over a period of two weeks, increase to four tablespoons a day. You can also use the remedy prophylactically. Other natural oils such as tea tree oil seem to help as well. Of course, you can take a conventional antifungal if your symptoms are acute and your doctor recommends it. Like many conventional medicines these can have a harmful effect on other parts of your system. You must decide which option is best for you and carefully monitor the results of the method you use.


    Candida Albicans Cure: coconut oil

    LifeExtension: Fungal Infections

    More Information:

    Holistic Help: Candida

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