• My kids are big fans of Dora and Diego. I wouldn't say that they are "obsessed" with them in the same way that they are "obsessed" with SpongeBob, My Little Pony, and anything with wheels (my son calls ALL vehicles "vroom vroom trucks"). Oh, and lately we've been watching King Kong ten thousand times per week because my son is obsessed with THAT, and building an obsession with TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles)
  • Hi, my son who is five is obsessed with Super Mario and Luigi. I never thought it was a bad thing but I have been getting alot of complaints from his teacher that that is all he is talking about. He is such a kind and smart little guy, he just so happens to love Mario and Luigi. Do you think my child has a problem or is it just a stage he will grow out of? It makes me feel better to know there are other kids out there with different obsessions, I think it's normal
  • My daughter was, but after about a year and a half her obsession has changed to The Little Mermaid.
  • My son loves Deigo, but I've recently been putting Dora on, as I realized it was more to his age level. It's not quite as great as Deigo, yet, but he love singing about the backpack, and map!

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