• I don’t even know of a state that actually honors common law marriage anymore, but it use to boil down to who could prove they owned the house. Then unless someone had a receipt to prove a claim of ownership everything in the house belonged to whoever owned the house. +3
  • I dont know. Search google for your state laws?
  • If children are involved 50/50. No children they look at what is in who's name if they don't have joint accounts and both work. If there's one spouse that doesn't work then 40/60, if there's a joint account both work then they average both incomes and use the percentage to divide the assettes e.i. 50,000 + 75,000= 125,000, so 50,000 / 125,000 x 100= 40 75,000 / 125,000 x 100 = 60 therefore it would be a 40/60 split
  • Common Law marriage is a virtual myth these days. It's more of an urban legend than a legal reality. There are very very few places in the US that recognize any marriage that is not sanctioned by the state through a marriage license.

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