I'm still lost and haven't found myself yet.
Right here with a daily baggage check.
At the point where I had no money ..
yes after many years that i realised.
The closet? @_@
I didn't know that I had lost myself!
Within myself!
in a rut.
well, well, I looked and looked and I was right where I left myself all along. I should have looked there first.
In the mirror.
In a financial rut.
Not really. I have been looking for over half a century. I am getting closer, though. I think I may find me pretty soon, now. I have to get out of town and go back to my mountains to do it. I was sure I knew me at one time. I was about sixteen. I need to get that certainty back. It was in the mountains that I was last very sure. I really did know. I drove my pickup to the top of the highest mountain around. I could look down on valleys, farms, and cities. "God, this is so huge. How can you know all of us little creatures?" "I am with you always, even to the end of the world." And I heard it, folks. I really heard it. Right in the gut. I have not heard it in a long time....but I am going to try to hear it again. I will let you know how it works out.
Still looking, still looking............. +
In God's Mercy and Grace.
I discovered my inner pervert during an orgy.
Here,where I don't belong
I have been at the crossroads for quit some time now
ONCE YOU *STOP* LOOKING YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF. (Sounds good doesn't it?! Its probably true but I cant help but keeping on looking!)
I found myself the 1st time right after I was born and gained conscience. Then everyone told me I was *wrong* for being me and I got lost on a way too long trip. It became worse and worse till I hated myself so much I begged God to fkn stop it. And he did and I found myself a 2nd time. I don't know why I had to fly from EU to Orlando, FL for that?!
I am always found right where I left can never be lost if you don't know where you are going....
in trouble
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