• There are two ways of answering your question: One is by POPULATION, and the other is by LAND AREA. If by population, the community of Monowi, Nebraska, has only 1 person, since the married couple's husband died in 2004. That single lady is now the mayor, librarian, bartender, and anything else you can imagine.,_Nebraska Finding the smallest town by land area is extremely difficult to do, because many small communities deliberately change their city limits, once they have discovered that someone's town is smaller than their own, in an effort to re-claim the title of "smallest town." +5
  • Here in Illinois there is a town close to here called Dillsburg. It has a post office and so by law must have a population sign. There are only 4 or 5 houses there. The highest I've ever seen the sign say was 12. But, there's that PO. So I've seen it say 0. Can't get smaller than 0.

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