• Cor blimey, not many I bet!.The only people in my family that lasted the course were my Nana and Grandad who were married 50 years, they probably would still be married now but my grandad, bless him, dropped down dead during the last waltz at their 50th wedding aniversary party. True. He stayed the course til the last dance.
  • Not enough. People see divorce as an easy out too often, and many don't live to be that old. I would say somewhere in the .001 % range.
  • I'd say not many. Not because of divorce... but because of the human life expectancy and death! If two people got married at ago 20, they'd have to live until they were both 95 in order to be married 75 years! It's just very unlikely.
  • I would guess its less than 1%...
  • Not sure but I think anything over 20 years is a human feat!

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