• that means java
  • Multiple indirection is making a pointer to another pointer. For example: int x, *y, **z, ***q; x is an int variable, y is a pointer to an int variable. z is a pointer to a pointer to an int variable. This can be layered as many times as you want. Basically, you can have a variable that holds the memory address of a pointer. This is used in functions like strtod which need to alter what the pointer points to, rather than the value at the address it points to. To use a pointer to a pointer, you would double things again: y = &x /* y holds the address of x */ z = &y /* z holds the address of y, which holds the address of x */ x = 10; *y = 11; /* Changing x's value */ *z = 0x0100; /* Changing the address y points to (don't do this) */ **z = 12 /* Changing the value of x again */ You would rarely ever use more than two levels of indirection, though I have seen three (never four).

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