• Music stars are pumping out hits faster than ever before and many are using advances in technology to make their music. In the past it was necessary to spend money on tools such as keyboards, drum machines and mixing equipment to make beats for music, but now you can find easy ways to do that for free.

    Get Samples

    Get royalty-free music samples from websites like and You will be able to change tone, tempo and add effects to these sample to achieve the sound that you are seeking. Download and work with a variety of sample clips. You will be able to mix clips and layer clips and tracks on top of one another to create the beat that you are striving for.

    Do It Online

    Considered by many pros such as Jermaine Dupri to be a virtual music factory, is an excellent resource for creating beats mixing music and producing music. With you can create beats in just three simple steps. First, choose a chord in the chords window and then the it in the scores window. Next, in the mixer window simply click the speaker symbol next to the instruments that you are interested in playing in adding to you song. After you get the sound that you are looking for click play to hear your song. also makes more advanced edits very easy. Every instrument that you use will be assigned a track. To adjust the sound of an instrument click on its track and choose a sound in the sound window. Use the tempo menu to adjust the speed of your tracks and use the volume to adjust the sound of your tracks.

    Use the Beats

    Use a free open source audio recording program such as Audacity to record audio with your computer and then add the beat that you made to the recording. Audacity will allow you to further tweak your tracks to create beats and ultimately an entire song. With some patience and a good ear you should be able to walk away from a session with easily available free tools and head on over to a record company with your music in hand.


    Online Music Guide

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