• Just a cute/clever/funny cartoon character that has been figuratively buried because of political correctness gone amok.
  • Anyone could make the argument, but if you just want to keep it fun for those who watch it, just keep it at,"Speedy Gonzales is a mouse, who jut happens to have a mexican background". That way there isnt anything to worry about ^_^
  • How so? Is he being PUT DOWN someway? Are ALL mexicans supposed to be "fast?" I don't follow this logic...
  • If we are going there with PC how about Fred Flinstone or Yogi Bear being cruelty to not dumb animals No I do not think it is discriminating it is humour.
  • He is about as racist and stereotypical as Pepe Le Pew is of French people or Foghorn Leghorn is of Southerner whites. Do not forget Yosemite Sam who was patterned after American cowboys... not too bright ones at that. How about Elmer Fudd, the gun crazy, really not bright, American white wabbit hunter? None of the characters were used to put another person down or insulting Mexicans, French, or whites. The closest to stereotypical is Pepe Le Pew because of the "lover" stereotype of French men. Ut oh. I might have just caused someone to go off on a "Pepe Le Pew is racist" kick.

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