Constitutional law
I loved Biology
My faveourite subject in primary school was art, I.C.T && maths.
Science. +5
History, because I always sat behind April G. and she was hot!
Truthfully......P.E. I hated school. If P.E. does not count, then I would have to say Science.
Mechanics and History. :) +5
Art, English, and History. I later studied History of Art.
Home Economics. If it weren't for that I probably wouldn't know how to cook, hehe. My second favourite was History. Just a shame I can't remember a single thing I learned.
I see AB is running at it's usual level, I answered and pointed this question earlier so it will likely duplicate itself later. Mechanics and History.
I actually liked school very much and did like the 'real' subjects like geography and history. But I have to admit my favorite classes were in high school where i majored in Clothing and could sew to my hearts content, and also my craft classes where I could use all their fine equipment and make great things, then sell them for big money after I got a grade on them. Plus I learned all sorts of things I've used the rest of my life. I made shoes, purses, jewelry, paintings, rugs, oh just everything LOL!!!
History, art and gymnastics.
Hey Barb! I loved Geography and languages.
Math, science, band, history, drafting
G'day Just Plain Barb, Thank you for your question. English, history and social sciences were my strengths. Science was good as well. Regards
The only subjects I enjoyed were English, ceramics and psychology.
History. It is worth looking at the mistakes, triumphs, disasters, catastrophes and achievements that real people did in the past.
I enjoyed English when I was a child and I have been writing poems since I was a teenager which shows my enthusiasm for the subject. I am 40 now and still writing poems.
Earth Science
machine shop. I enjoyed the lathes, the shapers, and mills. I also enjoyed welding.
β Stevo
Did you end up a working with steel? -
No, aluminum as in aircraft.
Geography and English. They offered such diverse and interesting topics, and I found them both quite engaging.
In pre-uni, nearly all of them. Philosophy tanked, and I had a terrible science teacher in high school (which is ironic, because I ended up with a Physics degree with a minor in Chemistry at Uni). *** I guess my favorite was math (though not so in Uni! I hated intro calc. Did really well in more advanced math classes, though.)
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