• I gave an infant a Brooks Brothers suit for his job starting when he turns a year old. Do you think a bow tie is too informal?
  • No - still one day at a time. If the question is; do they mature faster I would say it depends mostly on what one uses as a guage or comparsion. I suppose that the arguement can be made as children are expoused to more at an earlier age as in sees more sooner some would say that is more grown. I would argue that seeing more is not the same as knowing more or placing in the correct mature context. +5
  • Physically, yes. 13-14 year old girls look like they are 20 these days.
  • i think kids are getting more violent
  • mentally no, I don´t think anybody really reaches maturity now-a-days.
  • No, the phrase of 'rapid responsiblities & knowledge for infants' stopped at the start of the Millenium.
  • Oh yeah, it's all the crap in our milk.
  • They are growing up faster physically, but still have little pea brains.
  • Every generation of parents thinks that, I heard it when I was growing up 30 years ago.
  • They THINK they're growing up faster ... but they stil have a lot to learn!!!
  • I think they are trying to grow up faster and take on adult things, maybe from peer pressure, maybe from their environment and the media. But they aren't actually growing up faster physically, emotionally or mentally. Sure they are facing more adult type problems but they aren't able to deal with them any better, maybe even less than years ago since they don't always accept help or advice from people that have already gone through them. I don't think they look any older, either. I was mistaken for much older as were many of my friends back in the 60s. I had one friend who looked like she was in her mid 20s and she was only 14-15. There has always been kids that looked older if you didn't look too closely. But kids do know more about the problems of this world, the tragedies, the pain, the stress, than every before.
  • Yes and no. I think they learn things alot earlier than they used to----ie. sex education, but I think they are not as responsible or self sufficient as they used to be.
  • Actually i think they grow up slower, back in the 1800's you grew up real quick and took on real responsibilities at a very young age.
  • I do think they are and it's sad. With the internet, cable tv and hollywood, kids are exposed to so much more than they were in my generation. When I was growing up, it was unheard of for middle school kids to be having sex. Now it's unusual if there aren't some girls who are pregnant in middle school. It's really sad.
  • outwardly? yes emotionally? definitely not
  • In some regards they are. Advances in media and communications have thrust them ahead. Children have always wanted to grow up faster. I remember wanting it myself. Now there are ad campaigns that target that market exclusively.
  • Compared to when? And, where? Until the last hundred years in "Western" countries women would be married and raising a family by 18. In some parts of the world, people are starting families at the age of 15. I personally have seen no evidence of people younger than me growing up faster than I did. I actually find they are growning up more slowly. At 18 they still cannot function on their own as an adult without mommy there to do the laundry, feed them and make sure they do their homework. Yes. They are wearing make-up by 8 and thongs at 10.. But that isn't real an example of growning up faster, it is an example of parents not saying no.
  • In what sense? They lose their innocence faster, but they are much slower to learn integrity and responsibility. So, if growing up means knowing things that kids didn't use to know, then yes; but if growing up means becoming mature, I would say no. I think our society is filled with a bunch of adults that still think like children (i.e., never grew up).
  • Yes, and dumber too.
  • Yes because they "know" sooner (in the biblical sense) and that changes them. It brings out the fallen nature sooner.
  • I think they acquire a false maturity which is superficial, lacks responsibility and is about 'having' without the skills to support themselves when they are older. As a result, children are undisciplined and resort more to crime and anti-social behaviour to fulfill the emptiness of their lives.
  • Yes, and they have to. The educational system is a joke, so most kids that know anything are largely self-taught (like I was). Parents are often missing; even when they are present, they are not really "there" doing the parenting thing. That means that they HAVE to raise themselves more than previous generations did. Also, the world is a more complex place than it was 20-30 years ago when I was growing up. Some people here say kids today are dumber, but that's just because they don't know certain things that we had to know; they have different skills. Look how many adults cannot figure out a simple MP3 player. Come folks, USB is not rocket science! Some people here say that kids are lazier. Last I checked, ALL age groups have grown lazier. There are people my age or older that are looking for a quick buck and don't want to actually work for their money. Hell, that attitude seems MORE common in my age group than in the youth! Sure, they are less respectful, but so are adults these days. We don't live in the 1950 any longer. This isn't "Leave it to Beaver"; this is REAL LIFE!
  • They try to. In reality, kids are living with their families longer, so even though they may be growing up faster, they are not becoming self supportive faster. The highest number in years of college graduates have moved back into their parents' homes.
  • 9/18/2023, yes, technology is making kids these days savvier. The "technological boom" means kids are getting smartphones/tablets and creating social media accounts at an unprecedented early age.

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