Evanescence. Amy Lee's voice is a lot better.
Evanescence, hands down. Amy Lee is a much better singer than Lacey Mosely, and Evanescence is just a better band. I personally like Evanescence's songs much better, they're catchier than Flyleaf's songs, and the lyrics to the songs have meaning, emotionally(my immortal=Amy Lee's daughter who died)
Personally, I don't like either much, or at all, pretty much...but if I had to choose, Amy Lee. she has a much better voice than Lacey. Despite how much I dislike Evanescence, I have to admit that she can sing.
That is a hard one. I heard Flyleaf for the first time and thought straight away: this girl is a challenge to Amy Lee. I think Amy has the edge because she has been round a bit longer, but I will be watching Lacey to see how she develops. What a a vocalist myself, I love voices like these two women have....who would listen to the Britneys of this world, when you could listen to these two?
I think Amy lee Definately has a "prettier" voice. Evanescence kind of blends. the only distinctive thing about them is Amy Lee. Flyleaf has more of an edge, musically and vocally. If they can keep things fresh i could see Flyleaf going very far. Fully Alive kicks ass!
Definetly Evanescence. Amy Lee's voice is insane. She's a MUCH better singer than Lacey Mosley. Their lyrics are also better and instrumentally they're better. Evanescene hands down.
Lacey Mosley has the edge. Her voice seems to coem from something deeper, and you can feel the emotion dripping from her lyrics every second. Amy Lee doesn't do that for me. I feel like she's trying to give the audience what they want instead of making it the most personal it could be. Flyleaf also has better guitar riffs, and all-around has the best band. It's not all about the singer, because without the band, they would be like every singer. Flyleaf has the advantage, and they are going to go on long after Evanescance's time.
Definetly Flyleaf!!Lacey Mosley`s voice is MUCH better Than AmyΒ΄s!!!! I DonΒ΄t Like Evanescence!!!! Amy Lee IsnΒ΄t Pretty , and I DonΒ΄t Like Her Voice!!!! Lacey Mosley Is The Best Singer All Over The World!!! (After Avril lavigne^^) !!!!!!LACEY WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
EVANESCENCE BY FAR! Amy has the most amazing voice ever. Lacey has a pretty good one too but Amy's is way better. Evanescence write about things that have actually happened in their lives and they write most of their own songs. And the person who said My Immortal was written about her daughter who died.. it was her sister. Yeah well. Evanescence is WAAAYYYY better yeah? xxxxxxxxx
Flyleaf way better! Evanessence sometimes reminds of a girl band riding off Linkin Park. Her vocals are plain and not unique to me. I love Lacey's edgier voice and style. The band seems more real and will probably out shine Evanessence in the future.
Lacey Mosley...that girl can scream. See her Live then you'll know what Im talking about. Amy Lee has a beautiful voice, but Lacey Mosley has a hard rock voice!
Evanescence rocks. Amy Lee does not have Lacey mosley's auto-tuned voice. Lacey rocks to be in a rock band, but her voice is not like that with out all those effects and packed auto-tune and double-ing. Amy lee naturally has an awesome voice, you can hear it in their first album. Not nearly as may effects. You cannot fake that good of a voice. Too bad they lost their writer Ben Moody, Evanescence is nolonger Evanescence without the song-writer.
I'm pretty sure My Immortal was written by Ben Moody. Not Amy Lee.
Evanescence and Flyleaf can't be compared! They sound completely different! Though they both seem to write about life experiences, they're, ahh!, they're just different, ok?!. They are both totally awesome.
Uncomparable. They're two totally different bands with two totally different sounds and two totally different messages to hear. Key words: totally different. I would have to say Flyleaf though. I think it all depends on the type of music you want to listen to. I choose Flyleaf because(I think they're much better, and Lacey Mosley has such a beautiful voice[listen to some of their unreleased slower songs like "Tiny Heart", "There For You, and "Sleepwalker" {And "Penholder" is a personal favorite of mine}], but)they're not really mainstream, so the music never gets old. It's like now, if you were listening to "Call Me When You're Sober", it would sound washed-out and tired, whereas "I'm So Sick" or "Fully Alive" have been around since 2005 and since they're not really out in the open and all over the radio, so it all sounds new. Even if you listen to those songs a lot by yourself. And Flyleaf isn't a "failed version of Evanescence". They're their own band, and they don't have the same general idea. Flyleaf is more of a spiritual, closer-to-God kind of band. Evanescence is, I reiterate, mainstream. Lacey's voice is not fake. Listen to some of Flyleaf's live music. Trust me. She has the same voice, except for the slight echo effect. And I agree with lizard_king_21. The only distinction among Evanescence is Amy Lee. They do blend. They're a much more mellowed-out version of Flyleaf. Too calm for my taste. And please don't tell me why Evanescence is better, because I don't care. These are opinions, people. You can like what you want, and I'll like what I want. So if you can grasp the concept that I, a fourteen-year-old girl, am trying to get out there to everyone, you'll realize why you don't have to compare them. They're not anywhere close to the same.
If I had to choose it would be Flyleaf, that girl does have an amazing voice,very unique. I've never heard a girl that could scream like that! I can't stand Evanescence.I don't think the singer has a great voice,not very memorable.
They are both good bands Weird Comparisons Personally i prefer lacey over amy Amy has a beautiful voice but it gets annoying after two long Lacey can scream like a banchee but still do the the dang thing. I dont care has old fyleafs "new" album is; they are just starting out and its good.
Flyleaf is much better. Lacey has an amazing voice.
They both have amazing voices, and you cant really compare them because their music is so different, but if I had to pick which I like better, I'd say Flyleaf because I just like their type of music better.And the people that said that Only Evanescence or only Flyleaf writes about real life stuff obviously didn't take the time to see what their lyrics really mean.those people need to think before they write stuff down. no offense. Rock On Flyleaf!!!!!!! :) Rock On Evanescence!!! :)
EVANESCENCE is better, there music is not only meaningful but also Amy Lee totally rocks. She has the voice of an angel, and she's a great person in general who is so beautiful and has great style. I think Flyleaf comes in second, their very good too, and Lacey can really scream well. both bands have their own style, it sets them apart and makes them both unique.
EVANESCENCE is better, there music is not only meaningful but also Amy Lee totally rocks. She has the voice of an angel, and she's a great person in general who is so beautiful and has great style. I think Flyleaf comes in second, their very good too, and Lacey can really scream well. both bands have their own style, it sets them apart and makes them both unique.
Evanescence. Amy Lee has one of the most amazing voices in music today. She's versatile, also. She's classically trained, so she can do anything from art songs to hard rock.
Evanescence hands down.
evanescence/amy lee...great voice and yummy as well
Flyleaf all the way. Evanesence is to pop sounding for my liking.
I don't know who Lacey Mosley / Flyleaf is, but I'll vote for her. that Amy Lee chick is so whiney she makes me want pull my ear drums right out of my head.
:| I can't believe this question. Lacey Mosley is, so far, the best. She can scream and Amy can't. And, have you seen/heard Lacey live? Just.. Amazing. :| I'm not saying that Amy hasn't got a good voice, because she has. In fact, I do like her voice very much. But Lacey is, far away, better. At least for me.
I can't choose just one they both have amazing voices so theres no way i can pick one.
Every answer thus far has been an opinion. Whether it be a statement opinion or a derogatory opinion of someone else's statement, it is still just an opinion. Truth of the matter is that there is no right answer except what you believe for yourself. On this note I would like to explain my opinion that Lacey is the better singer of the two. When listening to Amy, I find that in every song regardless of tempo or style, she is always very nasal. This is not to say I don't like her because I do. Lacey, on the other hand, is very whiney when singing. The difference is that Lacey doesn't just sing. She screams and growls as well. If you want to know who hits more of their notes live then go to youtube and watch their live performances. If you ask me Lacey is better live than Amy when compared to their respective studio work.
I think Amy's voice is nicer sounding, she can reach higher notes and such. I think you could sound like her with vocal lessons, but it would take a very long time. Now Lacey has a very unique voice. It's all her own, and I don't think anyone else really sounds like her. Although sometimes I feel that she sounds like a child. In the end, I like both of them.
i think they tie Both there voices are kinda close to me and they both have really good songs so they tie to to i love 'em both.
I really respect Lacey as an artist and a vocalist. She has such a cool screamy style (as heard in 'I'm So Sick') This is kind of mean to compare people like this because it makes it hard for me to comment without sounding like a bitch. I'll make this simple: I think Flyleaf has a lot of potential, but Ev is (in my REALLY OBVIOUSLY BIASED opinion) better.
This is hard to decide... I mean i like both bands Amy Lee is very beautiful and has a very pretty voice... but I have to go with Flyleaf... there music is more louder and heavier than Evanescence...
They both suck. Women cannot rock. Period.
I would have to say Lacey/Flyleaf for a few different reasons. 1) Yes, I believe both bands have deeper meanings to their songs but look at it this way: evanescence's lyrics are far more negative than flyleaf's. flyleaf's lyrics are a message of hope and inspiration, if you look closely and lacey has even said in interviews that they are trying to spread a message of hope. evanescence's lyrics are, for lack of a better word, whiney. it's like she never shuts up about how horrible her life is, how angry she is, etc. yes, i know she has been through a lot but so has lacey and lacey still searches for the good and shows that through her songs. 2) lacey uses emotion when she sings (both in the cd and live). you can tell with every word she sings and every note she hits that there is something within her that is being revealed through these songs. it seems like amy is just trying to perfect her voice for the audience. lacey simple wants to be heard and just happens to sound amazing while doing so. 3) like someone mentioned earlier, evanescence is just like every other band without amy lee. flyleaf could still sound amazing (but not as amazing) if lacey was not part of the picture. their sound is so unique from anyone else's that it's hard to forget them. i remember the first time i heard flyleaf, even just the intro caught my attention and i immediately turned up the volume...not something i would have done with evanescence, to be honest. that's all i have to say :)
AMY LEE all the way, Flyleaf suck. Evanescence gets to my soul. Flyleaf dont. Simple as that.
Amy Lee is better. Evanescence is better. Flyleaf suck. Amy lee gets to my soul. Simple as that.
Evanescence, she has a nice singing voice.
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