Take off your clothes and look in the mirror. Based on your photo I would suggest that you're not even the same zip code as "fat".
well I was fat and now I'm not. But you can generally tell by the way you feel which is unhealthy, bigger sized clothing, get tired easily. Also people's general response to you when your around. People were so mean to me when I was heavier, I was ignored, ridiculed, you name it and it happened to me.
my brother told me that if you take a pencil and put it under your breast and sit in a chair normally, if the pencil stays wedged within the fatness than your most likely fat. doesn't work on girl.
So long as you can sit down in your size 8 or 10 jeans (if they're proportionate with your size overall) WITHOUT feeling uncomfortable or splitting the seams, you're OKAY! LOL
When my "fat" clothes no longer fit.
When you have an ass in the front. or when the back of your neck looks like a pack of hot dog weiners.
Check your BMI. If it says you are fat and you aren't Arnold Schwarzenegger then you are fat.
When you cannot see the shoes that you are wearing!
If you cannot fit into your old clothes, u r becoming fat!!
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