Sunday, I made some burgers
3 days ago i made mac and cheese for the whole family
blue moon
I cooked dinner for my husband as I usually do every day. He cooked me a great breakfast.
Last time I cooked for someone else was 1 yr and 7 months ago. I cooked for my daughter all of the time, she is the only one that ever thought I could cook.
Just this morning when I cooked breakfast for my husband and son.
Yesterday....and pretty much every day.
Last night.
I cooked breakfast for my s/o two weeks ago.
Wednesday night. I cooked for my 2 daughters and myself.
I made dinner for my husband last night.
+5 a couple of week-ends back.
Labor Day - I made gelatin salad for a picnic.
Last night! My horse "Juniper" was hungry,so I went and asked her what she'd like for supper,and she replied: "haute [i.e. oat,geddit?] cuisine...." btw: is this joke too subtle for you lot,or is it because you don't speak any French??
I don't even remember! You see... it is top secrete that I may know how and I don't want to blow my cover!
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