No. That uses too much energy. Either dump me in the ground without the coffin or use me to be cut up by med students or something.
I am thinking about that. However, I think I want to be buried at sea. I want my coffin to bust open and my body to end up washing up on some snorkeler. I want to play one last prank on someone.
Definitely not, I find it barbaric... that is just me, I mean that as no disrepect to those who would choose it.
I'm not sure. My body is not important after I'm dead.
I always thought about being cremated. Do you think I would feel being burned? That's what I am afraid of. What if I'm not all the way dead and my heart beat is very faint?
I purchased a burial plot a long whle back. Now I am think more and more about cremation. Maybe I can arrange to subdivide the plot and put my whole family there in urns.
No I Wanna be laid to rest on my stomatch so who ever get all happy when I die, it will be ez for them to bend over and kiss my a**
I would like my body to be used for whatever they can to help others out, after that, for all I care you can chop me up and use me for fertilizer. Maybe some pot head can use me to fertilize their pot plant and I can come back in ghost form like in the movie How High.
...they could toss me into OPRAH'S food trough, for all I would care--I'd be DEAD!!!
I'm certainly looking at that option now.
Well I'd prefer to be dead when they get started cremating, yes.
Yes, I do not believe in graves or graveyards. +5
no. i am donating myself to science so my body can be used for something even after my spirit is gone. +5
I would like to be burned on a funeral pyre.
Never thought of that, it is still a long way off for me, but yes i would like too be cremated. +5
most of the time
Every time
Yes, that is the plan.
After death, nothing will matter to you.
Dying and being cremated aren't things I do very often so I can't say I do. WOULD I like to be cremated? That's a different question...
I would like to be mummified so my features would be intact for thousands of years,just like the kings of Egypt.I could be in a glass case so relatives ,many generations down can view me.
As yet have not tried either. I believe when I do the second I would not object to the first but than I doubt that I' have a lot to say either way- don't much care if I get rolled in the ditch. +5
Nope...I'm a full body donor...something will be there to help someone, my hubby is too ! no funeral cost here. Dying costs way to much, puts people in debt,and the bills that follow cause family fights !
Yes. +2
Yes, that is the plan as my mom was
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