I usually read 2 or 3 at a time. I'll find a couple that seem interesting and only one or two of them will be, so I'll read the interesting one super fast and be left with the other two to finish slowly.
Three or four. +3
I read a lot but only one book at a time. It ususally takes me 1 or 2 days per book.
Normally 2 or 3 - a light one, a heavy one and an in between one so I can pick up whichever one fits my mood. At present I have a book of 6,500 jokes, a text book on life in Roman Britain and a beginner's book on welding.
Usually one or two, once in a while three, and I think my record is five.
I've read 2 at once.
If it is a new Pratchett i read it at once, others can wait.
I try to keep it to a maximum of 2 otherwise nothing ever gets finished!
3. +5
I usually have one in the Bathroom, one in the living room and a good one floating around - so 3 I guess.
Do you mean simultaneously, or immediately after purchase?
Two at most. One to read at home (if I can stay awake). The other to read when I'm out of home (if I can stay awake).
well, since I'm in college, I'm reading about 5+ books at ones (one 1 is for fun)
I try no more than 3 at once because I get confused:). One for my own heart, one for the class I teach and one for my Phd Thesis...usually they end up being 4-5 and I sometimes feel overwhelmed.
I usually have about three going at the same time for pleasure reading.My work table has about a dozen tech manuals open on it. +3
I always just read one book at once. I read them all pretty fast though.
this is a weakness. I am an avid reader but I read too many at once. 4-6 books ..Tonight I have 4 books on my desk
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