Its such a minor holiday for me. Nothing planned at all.
Watching Horror movies on TV and from my DVD library ... +5
Trick or Treating of course. This year I plan to fill the pillow case to the top with candy but no worries there is no way i will eat it all its just he joy to see what you get.
Same thing I do every year, watch TV.
Probably running from incoming indirect fire, seeing as its the last day of october:-)
Making my husband go to the door! I liked Holloween when my kids were little. Now, not so much:(
A friend of mine is having her annual party. I might possibly go. I don't really care for Halloween - only got into it while I was at uni because it was so forced upon us =)
Watching and participating in the Halloween parade in the Village in NYC.
Handing out candy to all the kids that come to the door. My wife doesn't like to do this so I do it.
Going to a club!
Probably celebrating my birthday in some small way. Actually, I mostly just end up passing out candy.
most likely be in the gym, may go to some party dressed up as ....? you choose for me ailsa..
I might going to Sea World.
I found a really cool maternity costume, its a marshmallow "peep" so thats what I will be dressing up as and taking my son trick or treating.
I will be working. It is a very busy night for us.
Working 12 1/2 hours.
Going to this carnival-costume thing with my EX that I go to each year. It's hosted by a church to keep kids off the street and keep them from getting poisoned candy and such or to keep them from getting kidnapped, raped, et cetera. I think it's a good idea to try keeping kids safe. :) I'm dressing as Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7; Advent Children). lol
staying away from windows while locked in my own home, every holiday local nut bars take pot shots at random property in my neighborhood
Hopefully back home to enjoy the fun with the young folks.
what I'm usually doing on a saturday and that is working.
giving out candy to the kiddos, is this penshawgirly?
Eating to much candy.
Work, work and work
Looking for Miss Right...
I plan to make jack-o-lanterns with my family and prepare Halloween costumes with my friends to go to the party.π Also, it's a good chance to join different special offers in Halloween. Like me, I enjoy editing my videos. I have already joined this Halloween Promo from Joyoshare and get my desired video cutter with big discountπ:
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