I garden - So I get both a decent diet and a bit of exercise. Through the years the garden has grown to now I also can, freeze, dry, etc foods. more work, more exercise.
Try to eat right, work out at the gym and jog.
Daily exercise & martial arts practice ... Eat well ... Have an understanding of fitness and nutrition, as well as anatomy and physiology ...
I don't! Fact is, though, I'm 71 years old, am about five pounds lower than my high school weight, smoke two packs of cigarettes per day, eat what I want, enjoy a few glasses of red wine at dinner time, have needed the services of a doctor only three times in the past 30 years and, finally, am very happy. Bottom line, I never worried about "keeping fit". I hope you do as well...if not better. :-) +5
Horseriding, mucking out stables, poo picking field too.
Ride my bicycle as fast as I can.
Work out: DVDs, treadmill, dancing, dumb bells and the like. Also, eat lots of healthy food. Great question, +6.
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