• Turkey. Maybe other places.
  • I don't know. What is Ipana toothpaste and why is it special?
  • It's still popular in Turkey. I'm not sure if they're making it locally or importing it from the US.
  • For people who don't know what is Ipana toothpaste. Ipana was a popular toothpaste in the 20th century with Bucky Beaver as its mascot. It was first introduced in 1915 and became an early sponsor on radio in 1923 with the program The Ipana Troubadors. The product achieved its greatest popularity in the 1940s and 1950s. With a wintergreen flavor, the active ingredient was sodium fluoride.
  • I thought it was gone, but still remember the black & white TV commercial cartoons with Bucky as the engineer on a steam engine. Can you buy it in the Philippines?
  • I remember it as a child. It was all over the TV. It has seen a resurgence in the media since the release of the movie Grease (1978) and the subsequent tape and disc releases. It's a nostalgic product for me.
  • I assume the Ipana Toothpaste factory:-)

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