It would be wrong if you didn't.
we are dough
Thank you, Officer Dibble....
hahaha, Probally not,or you could go down there and tell em to turn er down a notch
It's time to call.
no, i'd call the cops. if something did happen, you'd never forgive yourself if you didn't call the cops. it will also calm them down and get them thinking, even if it's just fighting/arguing
You can call just for the noise if you want. But if you think someone's being hurt, it's imperative that you call.
go right ahead if you are in fear of endangerment of each other then yeah
You should call
you should call the police, someone might get really seriously hurt or even die; you can either have the situation as reason, or you can use domestic disturbance (loud noise, etc) for the reason.
You should call them. It is obviously out of control and someone could be getting hurt. If anything, they need to understand that it is affecting their neighbors. You can request that they keep you anonymous.
Nope I'd call.
No I'd say call the cops. You have reason to believe that someone might be in danger, first of all. Second of all, you pay your rent like everyone else and have a right to life without having to tolerate that kind of disturbance.
I don't even know WHY you ask ... Of Course, you call Law Enforcement and IMMEDIATELY ... You could save someone from being physically abused , assulted, or worse ... +5
Hell No! Mind your own damn business don't want the neighbor too find out you called the cops then he comes to abuse you. =]
we are dough
He can come while he abuses me....
Call right now...your right to peace and quiet is being infringed upon. At the very least you might save another person a few bruises and put an asshole in the cooler for the night.
Personally, I wouldn't want to get in their business. I wouldn't call unless someone asked me to or if I was being hurt. When I was a kid, my parents would fight really loudly and the neighbors called the cops a couple times. It was really not appreciated. If anything, it soured the relationship with that neighbor. Believe me, they'll know it was you who called. My parents worked out their problems on their own. The cops coming over was really just annoying and made things worse. Did you consider that calling the police might get you some peace and quiet for now, but in the aftermath, the family next door could have even worse problems (that you can't hear) as a result? Why don't you just knock on their door and ask to please keep it down? That would be much more polite without getting law enforcement involved.
You should always call if you hear a violent domestic going on.If you dont you may regret your decision late because the women might be seriously injured or worse still killed.Just tell the police who you are and give the address,but request that you do not want a visit from them after they have interviewed the couple upstairs.Tell them that you want to stay anonimous and they will respect your wish.I have seen quite a few domestics where the wife has looked like she's gone ten rounds in the boxing ring.So its better to make that phone call as you could prevent something more serious!!
Just call the police.
Let the police sort it out before it escalates even further
Nope. I hope you did call the police. My upstairs neighbors started fighting one night and it sounded like she was being killed. I called the cops and they came. Problem was solved. They don't have to know, YOU called.
How did this turn out, Jen-Jen?
If you feel there is someone in danger you should call the police.
Wrong? No. Boring? Yes.....
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