• lol how muh did u smoke
  • well try nettle thats bound to work
  • it varies. some people can't handle the smoke. it can hurt a little. but as long as you stay cool & know your limits, you should be fine.
  • lol..never heard of a case lyk least someone's thinking or going outside the box
  • Well, THC (the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) is a powerful anti-nausea drug, and it's used by cancer patients to improve their quality of life, mainly by treating the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. If anything, it should prevent you from vomiting.
  • Nausea is not a common side-effect of marijuana -- in fact, as others have mentioned, the primary active ingredient in marijuana (THC) is an antinauseant. However, when you smoke a joint, it's not like you are not smoking pure THC. Marijuana is an illegal drug in most places, especially when purchased for recreational use, and as such its quality is not regulated at all. Mold can grow on it, it can go stale, it can contain chemicals that were used to promote its growth (pesticides, plant foods, etc), it can be mixed with other drugs (unlikely, considering those other drugs would generally up the price and therefore not be undisclosed ... but it can happen), and when rolled in a joint it is often mixed with tobacco -- all of these things can easily result in nausea. Even if the marijuana is fresh, organic, and pure, it is still a drug, and different people react to different drugs in different ways (this is true of all drugs, not just illicit ones). Even the same person can react to a drug differently on different days. For example, I have been smoking weed regularly for more than a decade, and two or three times I have experienced very bad nausea and vomiting after smoking it. Maybe that is because I had eaten something not so hot earlier and the weed pushed my belly over the edge. Or maybe it was because I smoked it while I was on my period ... I seem to be more prone to nausea while on my period than other times of the month.
  • I actually felt sick after because of all the DAMN food we ate... lol but I never got sick from the weed itself.
  • It doesn't happen very often but when I was a teen-ager and hitting 6 foot bngs it happened a few times, the coughing starts it.

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