• I thought Ben Cross was a wonderful Barnabas and he is a better actor than Frid was. And Cross had the sensual physically handsome looks that a Barnabas needs. Not that Frid was ugly or anything. Depp will most likely do great, though. Just different than the other two. :) +5 [ A true Dark Shadows fan you must be to know that Ben Cross played Barnabas, too. :) ]
  • Someday other actors will get up a posse and hang that Depp guy for stealing every interesting role that comes up.
  • Was that the old TV show about vampires? I heard about it but I never watched it. I think Johnny Depp can do anything better than almost any other actor but even liking him as much as I do well, vampires are not my cuppa tea! :)
  • Johnny Depp is awesome in anything he does

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