If it were up to me I would be seeking it the same day I found out. LOL true. However I do not know the time frame in which they would be paying out.
If it was a very big win, I world probably wait a while (if I could) because the media surround the lottery headquaters like mad over here...
ASAP.If not sooner. lol
If I could muster the discipline, I would wait for the next winner, then sneak in after them.
Id probably get a ticket for wreckless driving on my way to the lotto headquarters
Faster than a speeding bullet. It's my money, and I want it now!
about 2 weeks if was big enough. i would need to hire an accountant and a tax attorney to help me manage all the in and outs of tax laws and crap
I play each month, fixed numbers automaticly, so winnings also gets transferred to my bank account automaticly too. Stupity tax, I know. LOL
i will be standing waiting for them to open the next
I would claim it right away! +5
play onine so it wuld go into my bank account
Would claim the prize within the first week but most assuredly while my friends and relatives were asleep or away at work (those that work).
I would be in the front of the takes thirty days to get it. lets get the ceremonies overwith. i want the lumpsum....give me a motor home and a chauffer...i be gone.
After I'd talked to my parents, and probably hired an accountant and tax attorney. So, hopefully, within the first week or so.
I'd be there to collect the next business day. Though I believe there is a waiting period to actually get the money! +5
At least a week sometimes two because I always get the people in the store to check my tickets when I buy the next tickets.
Two seconds. :)
I would claim it like yesterday!
I'd be there within Ten Hours or LESS ! +5
I would be there waiting to pick it up as soon as they told me it would be released to me. No grass would grow under my feet. I want MY money!!! LOL
I would probably take awhile. I would change my name before I cashed it in, that way none of my friends or family I haven't seen in years would not know. Once I received the money I would change my name back.
If it's $10k or less, I would claim it right away. If it's millions of dollars, I would wait a few weeks. Before I came forward, I would want to have lawyers and accountants standing by, and ready to help manage my finances when the money comes in. My bank's wealth management department could take care of most of that for me. Once I have those systems in place, I would come forward. I don't want to be one of those people who wins the Powerball and goes broke in five years.
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