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  • Do you have a functioning brain? Leave this asshole
  • divorce
  • Leave. Now. Without looking back. Secure housing with a relative or a local agency so that you can be safe. If you have children, take them with you, since you have no guarantee that he will not take your leaving out on them. It sounds like you are heading into a violently abusive situation, if it isn't violent already. If this has happened, report it to the police and make sure you take any evidence (like photos) with you. I truly wish you the best of luck. But you must take actions to save your own life and sanity. Unless you do, it's not going to get any better.
  • Do you really need someone to tell you the obvious answer? I'm sorry, but it's hard to have sympathy for people that put up with this. Would you take it from a stranger on the street?
  • I would leave if i were treated like that and if you hav children i would take them too, i would then try and get a divorce because no one should be treated like that. Good luck with whatever you choose. :)
  • I told you to leave my damn computer alone, now go make me a sandwich.
  • Your husband is an as*hole! He obviously doesn't respect you at all. I don't know why you would stay in this situation, perhaps children? In any regard, if a marriage adviser or clergy cannot talk some sense into him, I'd leave. If you are married or have a common law relationship, be sure to contact a lawyer and take him to the cleaners financially. Fifty-percent of the family home and other possessions are owned equally. You will soon see who's the sorry one...
  • You need to get out of this situation! It is not healthy. If you have already tried to stand up for yourself and open up a route of's not going to work in the future. You deserve better!
  • Well he is your husband and you made a vow before God and man to stay with him forever. Divorce should not be an option. You should stay with him and honor your vow. It sounds to me like you are the person that he relieves his stress on, embrace that role. Good day!
  • well sound like to me he in control of everything and that where he got you and your choice is leave him you dont have to be treated like that so if your not happy leave him cause no woman should be treated like that at all cause your human just like him and you dont have to stay and put up with that their poeple out their will help so call you local woman hot line and they will help you cause. if he act like that it going get a lot worst so get out now .
  • You really need to do what everyone seems to be telling you - leave. But you must have a plan, i.e., you just can't pack up and go to your folks. Think of it like going on a long vacation. Where you're going to stay. How much cash you can accumulate without him knowing. And, most important, a place where he can't find you. Mental lists would be best, but if you must write things down, be very, very careful. Good luck.
  • Do you love God do you believe in God?
  • Sweety ... call some friends, family, neighbors, whoever ... grab all your stuff and GO!!! ... this abusive jerk doesn't deserve you and you don't deserve to be ridiculed and mocked every day ... you need to be able to enjoy life, not endure it
  • He will ONLY do what you ALLOW him to do. His house, his food, his, his, his - I am NOT going to run that old you're his wife and you have rights and all that but what I will tell you is the pain that he places on you and in you isn't worth all that you feel and deal with daily. I could say get your things and go but it's easier said than done. When someone is sorry they have taken it upon themselves to take responsibility for the wrong they have done and will do everything in their power to avoid doing the wrong again. Is he "sorry" for making you feel like a no nothing? Who knows... What needs to happen is you need to start viewing your marriage as a partnership and not ownership. Let him PROVE to you that he is sorry. If he can do that great - if not - just know that he's the one who has issues not you.
  • Leave. Bottom line. Get you things and stay with someone who will put you up for a few days so you can clear your head. You don't need that kind of shit in your life. Hes your husband? If thats the case he is a real scumbag for holding the things hes SUPPOSED to provide for you over your head. All thats ahead for you is a life of misery should you continue to let him treat you like garbage. GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE!!!
  • Your husband has some strong "issues" , and frankly you don't need to put up with this nonsense. First you have to decide what your long term goals should be - do you want to try to salvage this relationship or just move on away from it? If it's to salvage it - then you need to go to a councilor together, if he wont go then you need to calmly and deliberately need to gather up your possessions and move out..stay with a friend or family but CALMLY AND WITHOUT EMOTION over a period of a few days LEAVE HIM. If he protests tell him this is exactly what HE SAID HE WANTED, if he's nasty of threatens you do not pick up tour stuff until he is at work and don't be there without one or two friends or relatives to help you...ADULT RELATIVES who can call the police if there is trouble. After you have gone he might start to have a change of heart - don't make any promises or concessions until you to seek professional guidance together to work out these problems - UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU GET BACK TOGETHER WITH HIM WITHOUT SEEKING THIRD PARTY AID! This is most important as it proves he is willing to change. Now, if you start to move and he just says "whatever" and "adios" then you should consider the relationship over. Notify the police and tell them what your doing, ( for the record - this notice may come in handy later ), and seek professional guidance on how to dissolve this unhappy union. If he does NOT want it over tell him his abusive ways must change completely - and you must both seek guidance together, if not then consider the marriage over and start living your life without fear and emotional anguish. A rule of thumb for you to remember - NEVER STAY IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP....NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!! You will be considered one of the biggest fools on the planet if you do. You are a far better person than he is, and you don't need his crap in your life. Lastly - every situation is a bit different - SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP BEFORE DOING ANY COURSE OF ACTION and fully brief them on the may be that you need police present when you remove your things..MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THEM THERE! If he made threats of physical violence against you MAKE SURE THE POLICE ARE THERE if they aren't THEN UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES RETURN UNTIL THEY ARE THERE! I cannot stress enough how important it is to document your departure with third parties...these agencies will back up your stories in court if necessary and make sure that he can pose no threat to you in the future. Sometimes relationships work out and sometimes they don't. There is no shame in a ending a bad relationship, but there is plenty of ridicule about those who do not. If you want - make the effort to salvage your relationship, if not, then end it as quickly and painlessly as possible. I wish you all the luck in the world - take care!
  • Sweety....have you thought about seen a marriage counselor? Or speak with friends.. That may help a relief the pain..I went through this issue with my ex-wife. Have you discuss with him why he calling you names and so on..
  • u shouldnt put up with his shit ! leave him !!!!!!
  • Yeah, he can claim everything but one thing. Your life was given to you by God and your parents to do as you wish. Even God gave a right to choose. You only have one life, and you are entitled to live it in peace. Not in pieces doled out by a small man lacking self esteem who needs to belittle you in order to feel like a man. I'm in agreement with everyone else. Its time to move on and move up to better things. Good luck.
  • I dont understand what your question is, it sounds like you ALLOW it because you are still there.
  • Get out. He will never change, they say they will but they don't. And don't even bother with some off these people on here.
  • Doesn't matter that he is sorry. Leave. Get a lawyer and get a divorce. You can do much better than some prick who needs to belittle his WIFE to feel good about himself. Pack your things and leave. Don't linger and don't look back.
  • This is text book abuse! He is an amateur!!! Leave before her gets better, and he will. I'd tell this creep to stick his house and his food down his throat and choke on it! SORRY? You bet he is, sorry he's letting his real self be seen. This will only get worse!! Leave! There is NO other option!
  • she will never go ,,i know a lady that stayed married 27 year to a guy like him till she picked up a gun and shot him dead she now 44 years old and just got off for killing him
  • My ex put me down all the time and said things like it was his house and if I break something he'll be the one paying for things, as he thumped his chest in my face. He made me feel awful and ill. I left him and I had nothing in this world except me who I didn't even know anymore, but I'm smiling now. It is a horrible situation but you should leave him as this kind of stuff escalates... take care of yourself
  • Well I don't know what state you live in but if your married all is divided equally.Don't let someone degrade you like that.Put your foot down.The reason people treat you this way is because you let it happen.I know you love him and he apologizes for actions but you must get strong and stand up for yourself.
  • And I'm wondering why you are allowing yourself to remain in this situation. Would you allow him to do the same to your Mom, Your Sis, Your Best Friend, Your Daughter? If so, then there are way too many problems. You know what to do. +5
  • Tell him its time to put on his big girl panties!! YAAAAY!!!
  • Can you sustain yourself? If so, then leave "his" house. If not, then what are you waitng for? Don't mean to be insensitive, but you need to take your own life by the horns, girl! And hey, it's easier to leave with nothing, trust me. Family, friends, whatever, anything is better than that shit.
  • Please read through these questions and answers (and the poem) (from my profile): Signs of abuse, even early on - and (controllers) Signs of abuse, and what to do - Would you stay with a guy that dont treat you right just becouse you love him? - (Mostly assuming abuse:) Abusive Relationships - Recognizing you're in one and what to do - Just to make you think about abuse: A poem © 1992 by Paulette Kelly I Got Flowers Today I got flowers today. It wasn’t my birthday or any special day. We had our first argument last night, and he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn’t mean the things he said because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. It wasn’t our anniversary or any other special day. Last night, he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like a nightmare. I couldn’t believe it was real. I know he must be sorry because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today, and it wasn’t Mother’s Day or any other special day. Last night, he beat me up again. If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of my kids? What about money? I’m afraid of him and scared to leave. But I know he must be sorry because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today. Today was a very special day. It was the day of my funeral. Last night, he finally killed me. If only I had gathered enough courage and strength to leave him, I would not have gotten flowers today.
  • well then leave.
  • Look .... NO ONE needs to put up with Mental abuse such as you are tolerating ... You need to go see an attorney ... who will in all probabality get the court to order your husband OUT , weather he likes it or NOT .... Then; proceed with a dicorce .. and Child support , if appliciable .. maybe even spousal support ... You owe it to yourself ; to be HAPPY !! +5
  • seriousely, run, lola run
  • he may say the house and everything is HIS, but unless you signed a prenup, the law says otherwise. this guy is an abusive asshole, sure he's sorry after he does it, until the next time. just like i'm sure he will be very sorry the first time he hits you, and the second and the twenty ninth time, he'll be sorry when he's standing over your corpse and realizes he's going to jail too that's not going to help you much thought, is it? take his ass to court, clean him out and get away from him before he "robert blakes" you
  • omg!!! u def should leave him he is a abuser .. u shouldnt have to deal with that kind of stuff.. u deserve respect and love .. abuser never change so it's best to leave..i stayed w/ my abusive ex for 9 yrs he never changed. as a matter fact he got worst..sighssss . plz love urself and leave i wish u luck take care

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