i guess it may be possible for some, not me.
I've seen it before, sadly, but I can't even imagine it, myself.
i'm sure a great many people do .... my mom tells me she's her favorite, she tells each of my 3 sisters that same thing ;)
No you can't. I have two sons and I can see each of their qualities and each of their personality traits. I know each of their good points and I know each of their bad points but love doesn't work like a set of kitchen scales. The love of a parent for a child is unconditional (as indeed is the love that their parents have for each other) and I find it impossible to differentiate. It's impossible to measure love, there is no known scale by which to measure it, so if you can't measure it, how can you compare it?
Yes, I've seen my mother and mother in law both have "favorites". In my mother in laws case, when she lost the father of her 5 sons from a drunk driver, she clung to the one son who looked like him. He got everything and the others got the left over if any. This was done for 45 years. My mother loves her baby (he's 47) and he never done anything wrong and he also gets everything (there's 3 boys,2 girls in my family). That just the way things are... I'm just lucky I have one child and won't have to deal with this dilemma.
Yes. It happens all the time.
I only have one. He's chewing pizza wildly with his mouth wide open, just inches away from me right now. If I had two kids I guess it would depend on who was chewing louder.
I don't just in different ways because of their personality's
it would be a lie to say "NO". i mean there isn't any product out there that you like exactly the same as the competion, I think if you change it from "love" to "prefer" there would be alot of change and no yes's. i do however realise that children are not product
it would be a lie to say "NO". i mean there isn't any product out there that you like exactly the same as the competion, I think if you change it from "love" to "prefer" there would be alot of change and no yes's. i do however realise that children are not product
No, you may be closer to one than the other but they are still your children and just remember that " Love has no cost and it is never ending " so if you are loving one more than the other and neglecting the other the same affection then you need to check your self about being a parent.
It is inevitable not to love them differently or somewhat more, especially as they become teens. As they grow into their personality, you regard them more as people, than children and how you feel should vary accordingly. It is important to try to apply the same expectations and standards to all your children when young. The perception of fairness can be more relevant to children than your feelings towards them. Without "fairness" you exacerbate sibling rivalry. Notice I never said that "fair treatment" was the equivalent as the "same treatment." Your response must fit the situation and the temperment of the child.
YES! Some people are just more lovable than others. I know that sounds mean but think about it, if you have two children and one of them is really loving, affectionate and careful of other peoples feelings and does charity work and is cooperative and lets others get close to her heart while the second child is self absorbed, rude, uncharitable, mean and cut off emotionally from the world, it would be hard for a parent to love that second child the same. Parents are only human with human limitations.
I don't believe its should never love one child more or less than the other. Perhaps you get along with one more, but they are YOUR children. And in knowing you have a responsibilty to love them and show them you love them should be enough. You don't pick which child you love more...thats horrible to even think about, no matter how unbehaved they are. Maybe if there so unbehaved you should look at your parentning skills, and how you yourself have raised them. All in all thats the tough thing about being a parent, you make your children who they are. I don't care how many people disagree with me, alot of children's issues come from home life.
No, the loss any of my children would be equally tragic and devastating to me. I do know of parents who seem to favor one child over the other. I always felt my mother favored my older sister because everyone always said they looked alike. After becoming a parent I've often wondered if it only seemed my mother favored my sister. She did get a lot more attention, but she was always in trouble and probably demanded more of my mother's attention.
yes and no. I think there is always a special bond between a firstborn and a parent. you had them to themselves, no other children to distract you. you gave them your total attention. then come the love them all...but that bond remains.... and then there might be some that you click with personality-wise more than others.... but you still love them...
I think some people can and do. I am not one of those, I love my children equally. However, my kids are, more or less, grown and I sometimes do not like them equally.
Well, in some cases people do. In my case I love my children equally. Now, I don't treat them both the same, because they have much different personalities. I have to discipline them differently, in otherwords not at the same time neccassarily; it all depends. There different ages, so I have to let them hang with their own friends on their own occassionally; then other times their together. When we go out for food, their both able to pick something; not one is left out. Shopping for clothes; sometimes different story.
Both are different and I love each absolutely equally except when.....
First, I always love both of my children. But I do love them differently and on occasion in different degrees. All parents have moments when their hearts swell with pride, and happiness. Similarly, children have the ability to infuriate parents. Love is always there, even if it isn't displayed fully at every moment of day.
I have more history with my 5 yr. old than I do with my one yr. old. I am also still in the process of bonding with my one yr. old. I love both my daughters very much and don't ask me to pull only one from a burning car. I'll burn to death getting them both out. I can also communicate much better with Jessica, since she can talk and Natalie still communicates largely through crying or attempting to rip my eyebrows off. They both have me wrapped around their pudgy little fingers, though.
Well I have two kids and I love them both the same!!
lol umm u probably could depending on the person. But i think a parent might show favortisim towards one child more than the other, and it might seem that they like one child more than the other. The child might mistake that favortisim for loving the other more, when it really isnt the case.
Hey gtravels - here are the little darlings in all their glory! Had a computer malfunction so it took a couple of days to get these up.
no it is unpossible. If you do, something is wrong..
No. You love different things about them, also dislike different things about them. BUT you can't love one more than the other... Kinda like Siblings, cousins, parents, uncles, aunts. You love them ALL the same. Might be closer to one more than the other or love some fact about one that the others lack. Vice Versa.
No, I really think parents' love is unlimited, there is so much of it and when I became a mother the second time i was surprised that I had double the supply of love available- the love of the first does not have to suffer and does not need to be shared. It's all there, forever and it's a fantastic feeling to have this supply of love.
Yes. My cousins for about four generations only really show affection to their sons - if they have more than one son, then the firstborn or the more manly one. I honestly believe that most of them love one kid more than the others because they're "deficient".
me personally, no.i feel we can love differently, not more or less. i have 4 kids.
It's possible you can, but in my opinion its kind of wrong. I've meet a peron who experinced it and she came out pretty bad.
Could I Personally Love one of them more than the Other? No, But they are all really different. Which is How maybe some parents can, But the way I see it, they are all special in their own way. they all have something about them the other one don't.
I'm not a parent but i do believe that there are parents out there who do have favourates. and there are kids who get more love and attention from their parent because they require more care e.g. if they have an illness/disability. some parents do prefer the better looking and smarter child over the not so one. and many cultures prefer Boys over girls. so yes it would be possible. When i become a parent i will show equal love and effection and let my kids know that they are both loved and apreciated.
I have 5 girls and I LOVE them all the same . But I like them for different reasons . My 1st. is hilarious and fun , my 2nd. is very crafty and hands on , third is very into our Church and stands up for the underdogs , my 4th. is a tomboy just like me , my 5th. she's very girly and still lets me dress her like a little princess . So my answer is NO I couldn't love one more than the other . But I like them for different reasons .
Im guessing it's possible. I've never treated any of mine any differently. I don't think I could.
not love but certainly like if you get my meaning they all have their own personalities dont they
WEll I know when I had only one child and found out I was pregnant.I had always thought I couldnt love anybody more as much as I love my son.Then as soon as my daughter was born ,I loved her as much as my first. SOme people prob can butI dont love any of my children more.
It does happen, but I really don't think I could. I don't have any children, but I don't think I could or would love my children more or less than the other.
I think that we can love one child more than the other. If not more, definately in different ways. They each have a special place in our hearts. A place that one can not take from the other and no other one could ever replace.
I have three Children and I feel closeness to all and equal love for all they are all pretty close in age, and each with his/her own personality, and all are loved equally and unconditionally.
No, definetly not. Sometimes one may make you more happier than the other. Sometimes one's easier than the other, but this does not make me love them any less.
Although, I have witnessed it for myself as a child growing up, I could NEVER imagine doing it myself. I am an adopted child and thought that I would always be special to my adoptive family. Boy, was I wrong. Growing up, I was always told that I wanted to be treated different b/c I was adopted. When in fact, I only wanted to be treated the same as the other biological children. Having lived this and still living it as an adult, I could not love one of my children any more than the other. I DO relate to my children differently. But this is only because they have different personalities. I have one child who is very strong-willed and sure of himself and another who is more soft-spoken and shy. They both say that I make a difference between them, but I have tried to explain to them both that I hold them very close to my heart and that I love them both the same.
No, I have 2 with different personalities and love both to death.
That's a loaded question. I think I have an intense baseline of love for all of my children. But, there are special qualities in each one of them that makes them inividuals and that special quality may be noticed more in one than the other. The bottom line is that you really can't compare one kid to another.
no way
You can... but i think it's unjust. Why have multiple kids when the others get shunned?
I donβt have children butβ¦ I think that its not that you love one more than the other its just that each child has its unique personality that you have a different love for each one. But never one more than the other. If you do then i think something is wrong with you.
I highly doubt that a parent can LOVE one child over the other, but I do feel certain children fill a specific void in your heart. Your first son, your first daughter, your first child, each unique attribute can be appreciate much more within different children.
In theory, no. No parent will admit this. But in practice, yes. This happens
No, I love them both equally, but yet in different ways, because my older one needs more help in life than my younger. They are both lights in my life!!
Just ask my mom. She has always put my brother first. I am 40 years old and she still puts him first. This is something that has hurt me all my life. My dad died a month ago (my best friend) he made me the personal rep. my mom had the gall to try and get me to give my brother my dads business!!!!!!!!!!! My mom and dad divorced 25 years ago. This was it!!!!! She can have her 35 year old baby boy but he will not have my dads business.
No you cannot love one child more than the other. Liking them is a totally different story. I love my son to death, but when he skips class and gets caught in the girls' bathroom with his girlfriend, I don;t like him very much. You can only love your kids as much as your heart allows you to. How can you not love something as beautiful as your own child???
Yes, but not many parents will admit it. I only have one child, but I have the experience of being the least favorite to my mom. I often asked her questions about the past but she never wants to address any of my issues, she's still in denial about it. I've moved on a long time ago and it's made me very independant. The other 2 children cannot sneeze without her holding the tissue to their nose and telling them to blow. To think, I am the youngest of all 3 and we're all grown ups now. Shame.
I have only one she is sleeping. When I have more I will love them equally as long as they are all sleeping lol jk. I don't think u can love one kid more then another as long as ur a good parent!!!!!
I have two being my first and loving her for that, the last being my baby and loving her for that. I love them both equally I like some things about each of them that make them different...of course. Would I ever sacrifice one for the other ..NO. If you ask them I love the other one more than I love the one doing the asking and vice versa...LOL but I KNOW how I feel and I cannot imagine my life without either of them in it. Thanks G for a great question!! : )
I think you can relate to and understand and have more in common with one child over another and that in turn can result in a feeling of being closer to that child but not necessarily meaning you love them more.
I have four children and I love all of them to death... Even though I don't think I love anyone of them more than the others, there is a little bit of a difference because of their personalities and ofcourse the age factor between the four (twin girls being the oldest).
No. They both have different personalities, one is easier to be around during some types of things, and the other one is easier to be around during other types of activities. It's impossible for me to love one more than the other, because they are both my girlies and I love them VERY much.
I don't think you can love one more than the other, However i do think you can have more a bond with one of them.
My mother would do that... but she would love one and hate the other... and then the next day she would hate the other and love the other...
i guess it depends on the person. my mother loves her first born (my eldest brother) more than any one else. she's continuously worrying about him and taking care of him like a child and putting away better things for him. sometimes i get sick of her behaviour but she can't help it. my second brother (just a year younger than the eldest) didn't get much attention from my mom.
Yeah, but it's hard to do it.
no becase that would be mean to your other child
no becase that would be mean to your other child
Could I love one more than the others? Never. Could I get aggravated at one more than the other's? Yes.
Of course not! I love my children all the same. 2 are black and the other are white, but color doesn't matter. I love them because they are my children.
Both my Mum and Dad had favourites when I was a child but I wasn't one of them :( My Mum would actually introduce me to people as the "Black Sheep of the Family". With my four boys I love them all equally but sometimes our personalities clash and that can be hard at times. Because then I feel guilty that I am not loving them equally, but I try too very hard. I never want my kids growing up feeling the way I did.
I don't think so really...I believe it's not that you love one more than the other, it's more like you love each one for diffrent reasons, diffrent meanings as to how that individual touched your life. For example: my first I'm closes too because it was he that has seen me at my worst, through the hardest times in my life and he still loves me as much. My daughter because she's the strongest person I've meet and my youngest for being the most soft hearted. We all love for various reasons. How can you put a value on which love is better?????
I only have one child so I guess this would just be an opinion and not based on actual knowledge. I don't believe that it's possible to love one child more than another. However showing favoritism towards one over another is certainly a possibility. Actually I do know from experience because I have a younger brother and sister so my opinion is from the perspective of the child rather than the parent. My dad always favored my little brother and sister over me. My sis cause she was the only girl and my brother because he was Jr and was in every way just like my dad. I would not say my dad loved my brother or sister more than me but he sure did show alot of favoritetism towards them.
I can love them 'differently' - but not any greater than one another, no. Good question : )
I have three children and I am certain that qualitatively I love them all the same, as much as one person can love another. I do have a better repoir (sp) with one the with the other two--
Worked for Jacob and his sons (Joseph), with disastrous and life saving results.
when my second daughter was born i was worried about this. now she's five years old and it impossible to love either of my daughters more than the other. i love them both for different reasons but i'd give them both my life.
I have three children, A 12 yr old an 8 yr old and a 6 yr old, I do not love any one more than the other but I do love different things about them. Each person has different qualities about them that make them special. Mine do so I know...
Now I'm glad I only have one;-) I think I would love them equally if I had more than one.
NO. It will be unfair to the other one...
No, but in different ways I can.
Depends which one is prettier
I have 3 kids and I couldn't possibly do that. If I'm getting something for the kids from the store, all 3 get something. Ohana means family, and family means "Nobody gets left behind."
I think I have actually seen this. I have 3 children and I definatly love them all alot. Some are a bit harder to handle at times. It helps to try and get closer to the child than to worry about it being abnormal, i think. Whatever it is that causes you to feel that way (if you do) might surprise you and ease up. If it is a really dumb reason as in , for example " I just can't feel the same about that one because I wasn't there when he/she was born, than I don't know what to say. It would have to be felt by the child and maybe you can get some help.
yes, I am closer to my second child.
Not love one more than the other, but maybe have closer similarities to one than another. I have two daughters. I, too, would be equally devastated if either were to die or be injured. My oldest daughters' personality tends to remind me of my x-husband-and (perhaps) because she is the oldest I find myself arguing with her more. She is so smart and brilliant, but questions every action around her, including mine. It can be exhausting at times though I am glad for her awareness in her surroundings. She is not very affectionate however, and it hurts sometimes to know that. My youngest one is a little crazier-full of life and always up to something-though she does not have the same desire to learn that my oldest daughter has. She is highly affectionate though, and I find that I need that at times: She's always making sure everyone is ok and happy, even giving little shoulder massages to us, always hugging and kissing :) I feel like my youngest daughters' personality is more like my own and sometimes wonder if I favor her more. I do catch myself, at times, playing with her more. Then I feel incredibly guilty about it and I think of something wonderful I can do for my oldest just incase I was taking part in any kind of favortism. I know this must sound terrible. But this is all the truth, and atleast I am aware of how I tend to feel, and I try to make everything equal. Also, I was on bedrest with my youngest from 5months pregnant on, contractions that early. She was still born a month early. I've always felt a little more protective of her, she might not have made it. My xhusband did not want a second child either-and certainly didn't want a girl. It was heartbreaking for me to know-and I wanted to give her extra love just incase he gave her any less. I hope that in time I will continue to keep things equal between my two daughters-and get over my 'over-protectiveness' of my youngest. I do believe there are life events that can trigger a parent to seem closer to one than the other-as well as personality traits.
Love is such a powerful feeling. I find it amazing that the moment a baby is born you feel this abundance of love for a perfect stranger. That being said, I don't feel that I love any of my kids more than the other, but I do think that our relationship differs greatly between the 3. I've known my 5 yr old the longest so our relationship is a bit more developed but at the end of the day I hug all 3 of them just as tight.
I grew up in such a family. My dad always favored me over my older sister. I was the good one. Always did what my dad wanted me to do. My right and wrong, opinion on everything was based on what my dad wanted me to do. I liked it when I was little :( but growingw up I have begun to dislike myself. Tried to pointout to my dad this was wrong. I still try. He refuse to accept. He ofcos has his reasonings. He believed, my sister needs to adjust her thinking and be more like him/me. My sister did make multiple mistakes in terms on education etc. But I believe you can't raise two kids the same way. Parenting should be adjusted towards the kid (every child is different). I feel bad for my sister cos she still loves me unconditionally regardless of how mean I may have been to her when I was a kid. Parents affections obviously shape our lives greatly. I cant imagine how torn my mother must have been raising us. My sister has overheard something my dad had said when she was a kid (during an accident, his first thought was what happned to me). These things are are hurting my sister (even now). I hope I can make up to my sister.. But I do seem to drive her nuts cos my ways of thinking is very close to my dad's. I hope one day when Im a parent I will not follow in these steps. I hope parents today will make an effort to accept what is wrong and correct themselves before it's too late.
- can. but NEVER tell them. ever ever ever! im 12 and if my mom told me she liked my sister more. id cry my eyes out! even though i always annoy her! i still Do love her!
I love all my kids the same
A mother was once asked which of her children she loved the most. With a vague smile she answered: βNothing as voluble as a motherβs heart. As a mom all I can say is: The most loved child, to whom I dedicate my life in body and soul, is β¦β¦ The sick one, until he is well again. The one who parted, until he returns. The one that is tired, until he rests. The one that is hungry, until he is satisfied. The one who is studying, until he learns. The one that is unemployed, until he finds a job. The one that is in love, until he is married. The one that is married, until his marriage settles. The one that is a father, until he brings them up. The one that promised, until he has keeps his promise. The one that owes, until he has paid. The one that cries, until he hushes. With a very distant expression and a slight smile she then said: The one that has passed, until we reunite again.β It is not about love, it is about each precise moment in each ones life and the ones we know are stronger than others who can and will meet the challenge. I also understand that there are parents who have not met what was expected of them, they failed themselves and their children. May God forgive them. Regards.
Yeah, I'm the youngest so I'm my dad's favorite, and my 1 other brother is my moms favorite,(she babied him big time) I guess it's because we are the youngest of 4.
Not possible. They are all unique, so I connect with them in unique ways. But I can't imagine that if I had to pick one of them over another, that I could do it. I love them all so much, I can't imagine life without all three of them.
I think it depends on the situation. I have a 12 yr old and a 2 yr old both have different dads. If I am honest with myself Id have to say that my 12 year is more special to me. We grew up together, went thru hards times together, I always kept him close to me because his dad never wanted anything to do with him. We have a bond that I've never shared with another person. My two year old is my husbands child so I dont feel like I have to give him ''ALL'' of me or maybe I just dont know him that well yet.
Not more, just different.
No, I do not love one of my children more than the other. It doesn't matter if one is wonderful and the other is a little devil, they are both my children and could not even dream of making a comparison to them. I think that is incredibly selfish, the kids will notice and might resent each other for it. That just isn't fair to either child, take it from the baby of four, who until recently was looked upon as the less pretty one. My sister is beautiful, but it sucks being compared to that your whole life.
I have three children, which one is grown now and the other two are teenagers. From time to time, each one of them have asked me, "Mom, am I'm your favorite?"... "Absolutely, you are!" I would tell them all the same thing individually and when they grew up, they shared my secret with each other and came to realize that I felt the same about each one of them. Most times there is a difficult child and we have a hard time coping, yet, it does not change our level of love for that child over another. Ones who tend to feel they can love one more than the other has emotional damage and should seek help.
Love? no.... Like? yes......
I have three children and I have found that I love each one deeply but that they are people and I love each one differently in some ways. my first will always be the first that is different in a way, your bond with the first is soooo strong, my last baby was my last there for I hold a special place for her because I don't plan on having anymore and my middle child, well I was a middle child so sometimes I bond with her in ways that I never with the other two because they will never understand what it is to be the middle child. Love is so complex. If you are feeling that you don't love one child as much as the other maybe you should spend some extra time with the one you are having issue with.
I wouldnt say love one more then the other but I do love my sons determination more then my daughters. I love my daughters way of being kind. She will pick up money someone dropped and give it to them but my son on the other hand will pick it up and think its for keeps. LOL I think we love them the same just more in some areas then the other and vise versa. They are differnet and unique therefore our love for them too is different and unique not more or less
i think its possible, but, i DONT think it is fair. my sister has two kids, and one is a total brat, and the other is a sweetheart. i can tell she get s frusterated with the naughty one, but she loves them equally. if you have one kid, and you're pregnant, you are probably going to get worried, because you love that kid sooooo much, and you don't know if you will love the second kid the same amount. thats what my sister went through, but once she heard her second child, she realized that your heart is an endless pit, and you can never love one kid more. your heart just grows, it doesnt shrink.
Not possible because love is equally distributed thing for childrens, but we can say it is the sense of care which can be more for one child and less for the other one. Just like if chil is smart and he can take good care of himself and there is another who is careless and dull then obviously you will be more carefull towords the careless child as he needs more attention
i dont think any1 has ever felt more love than ur childrens love. i have 2 and love both of them the same amount...but you might love ones thoughtfullness more, or be more symphatetic to one than the other due to an illness or problems.
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