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  • ----------------> in a store dress room there was a hole in the wall i think it was a girl but dont matter to me guy or girl they put there fingers in the hole so i put my dick in it and they suck me off was a good anyway i go back all the time but they fix that hole.....;=
  • While lying on the couch in my parents house by my girlfriend . My parents were just next door wide wake . After I blew my load I took her to my room and fucked her hard all night long , not worrying if my parents could hear us . She often stayed the night in my room with my parents knowing !! She was a fuck of note , had incredible stamina and especially loved to do it doggystyle in bed while she held onto the headboard!! She also loved to ride me to a mutual mind numbing orgasm!!
  • probably while driving.
  • In the Archbishop's house.
  • in high school, the whole school went to watch a shakespeare play. I was sitting only two rows behind a teacher and my gf gave me a handjob under my coat.
  • I met this guy on the internet and we both did not have any place to go. So we walked to the outer limits of the city, climbed a hill next to a road and I sucked him at the back of some trees. You could still hear cars passing and people walking a few meter away. It was dark though.
  • A church parking lot on both counts, while the other guys boyfriend was at home.
  • On my roof in the middle of the night.
  • A hotel room balcony while on tour. We were both stark naked, and it wasn't the warmest evening.

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