no, i am 5'8" but i think it would be fun to sing and dance in it. +4
I'm just about the right height for one of the Munchkins to go oral on me while standing up. Now if they just had a flat-topped hat so I'd have a place to set my Bloody Mary........
Nope I'm 5'7"
..not quite oh Nunya of much height...I'm a shorty but not munchkin size
Yeah - give or take three feet :-).
Thank goodness I'm not THAT short. I'm 4' 11' (5 feet on a good day).
No, I am too tall for that.
No, I'm way taller to tower over them, especially in heeled footwear.
No. An oompah loompah will do from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I respect dwarfs but Iām sure they get plenty of slagging from taller people. They have someone to look up to.
The mayor was the tallest at 38 inches. Or 3'2". Even Pearl Ledderman is taller than that. And I'm taller than her at least!
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