• I read the book "Battlefield Earth" as a child, and reread it a few years ago. When the movie came out, only a few details came even close to what the book was actually about! Hollywood ruin over a 1000 pages of an interesting and thought provoking book!
  • Lord of the Rings. But then, it was almost impossible to meet expectations on Tolkien
  • Enemy Mine. Well that was a short story. Prince Caspian - God that movie was DULL!
  • Traditionally, "Catch 22". [altho' I've come to appreciate the movie too] ;-)
  • Dreamcatcher by Stephen King. The book ruled, but the movie as horrible.
  • it wasnt a book but a short story- 1408 being such a huge stephen king fan i was thrilled to know they were turning room 1408 in a movie because reading the story scared the heck out of me but the scenes in the movie didnt live up to the writing at all
  • The Other Boleyn Girl. The book was so good, but the movie just completely sucked in my mind, and did not do the actual historical and book very much justice.
  • Originally, I've always been greatly disappointed in Stanley Kubrick's " The Shining, " based upon a Stephen King novel. I now am trying to separate books from the movies and experience each as separate entities. I'm more apt to believe the movie is rather good now. Though I still pretty strongly believe actor Jack Nicholson ruins the movie with his over-the-top craziness; for me, he was crazy from the very beginning. PLOT SPOILER!! And his infamous ad-lib " Here's Johnny!" considered genius by many, I found the ultimate insult to the entire King novel and Kubrick's movie. I literally groaned in disbelief in the theater at that point. I still much prefer the TV mini-series of "The Shining. " +5

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