That's the best place for them. [unwrapping another cold Hershey's Kiss and popping it into my mouth]
if only cadbery
Yes - and sometimes even in the freezer if I have alot on hand. There is nothing more disappointing than melted chocolate bars.
not in my family,they dont last long enough
only in summer when its hot outside.
Yes I do. Wouldn't want them to spoil!
Nope, on the occasions when it is really hot I will, but like to let it move back up to room temp before I eat it =)
Very much so now that the temps can get up to 105 here.
In the warmer weather I do, but I still take them out of the fridge so they can get to room temperature before I eat them.
No, I have a box in front of me actually
No it doesnt make it there because the wife eats it.
theres no time for the refrigerator, i eat it up to fast!
sometimes & sometimes not +5
No, because they usually don't last that long.
Yes in the warmer weather.
No, I don't.
Yes so they dont melt.
in the freezer
Oh yes I do. That makes for a refreshing treat year round plus no more melted chocolates which would go into my mocha if I have any left out to melt.
No, I prefer chocolate soft and sensuous rather than crunchy.
Mr PantsFellDown
Oh so you' re like that English guy on The Drew Cary Show, the boss who liked his chocolate "all melty"... -
Mr PantsFellDown
(They drink their beer warm too, over there, and that's just wrong!) -
Linda Joy
Not melty enough it drips. I like it firm enough that it takes a little extra licking and sucking to get it off ... your finger?
They don't last that long.
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