What? Michael Jordan DIED!?!?!?
It will be rebroadcast many times, I'm sure.
cos i have better things to do than be sad that a child fucker is dead!
Because I'd rather my child be exposed to educational programs on our one and only TV that have her exposed to the over the top circus that follows him all the way to the grave. I don't have any time for him.
I don't want to, I'm listening to music. And's not MJ's music lol.
I do not care for funerals for they are sad events,so I will not be watching it.
Cause I've been busy with my usual day to day routine... Yes I liked his music, no I dont believe he abused those kids, yes he had a tough childhood, I feel awful for his kids and he certainly didnt deserve to die... BUT I dont agree with all the hero worship of him going on right now. Why is the world going haywire over this mans death? Ppl die every day, brave ppl who deserve some of that hero worship like firefighters. You know?
I do know he died but it's not important to me to watch a ceremony. I understand how it is important to many, many people and I respect that. It's taken a while for me to arrive at this point but to me, his death -- and all the related stories - - has now been overblown. I sometimes believe even Michael himself wouldn't want all this attention. +5
Because I am watching the news - I would rather learn about real issues of international significance. It doesn't interest me.
i am watching it and its retarded. changing the channel as i type this.
Because he's dead and on television and I've seen him alive and in person.
Who gives a sweet rat's ass?! [that should garner a few 'misguided' DRs, no?] ;-)
Better things to do.
I respect him and it's a trajedy. But seriously people die everyday and just because HE died the world dosen't stop spinning. I'm tiered of hearing about him and I would rather everyone let the man REST IN PEACE!!!!
I have a life.
I just don't care. +5
I am not that bored. LOL.
Because I don't care. I didn't know the guy. I knew his music, but not him. SO why should I care to watch the funeral of a celeb? Just because he was famous? People care way too much about what celebs do. I watch/listen to their art, and that is that. Once the performance is done, I don't care who they are or what they do. That is their life. I find people who have more interest in celebs than that to be pathetic fools who have so little satisfaction in their own life that they have to pay attention to what others do in theirs.
Because Im at work =(
I'm at work in downtown L.A. I can hear the helicopters though.
Because... I don't care?
I wasn't a fan. I was not into him when he was popular and did all the great things people admire. I was older than the majority of his fans and was married with a job and kids and then with a divorce.
I am..:)
I'm am. I'm watching it from home.
cause hes a freak' an did a lot of things wronge
I am listening to Queen Latifah on the television in the other room. Can't take bandwidth from the computer cause we have IP phones at work. Also, can't watch and work... but can listen and do my job. I was kind of hoping that Jamie Foxx dressed in a red leather jacket would jump out of the casket and put on a "Thriller" dance routine but I don't think it's happening.
Because my daughter will not turn off iCarly.
catching up with yest soaps...and on ere as well..
I'm DVRing it to watch later.
Cause in watching repeats of Friends instead. :)
I am watching it now :)
Don't wanna make the baby cry
There are more interesting things on tv then his funeral, i didn't think much of him when he was alive why should i care now if he has passed on. Don't get me wrong i liked some of his music but that's about it.
I am watching Law and Order SVU marathon
I Think they are making way to big of a deal out of it. I keep getting these stupid text messages from people i dont even know. Like "Since MJ is 99% percent plastic they are going to melt him down into lego's so the kids will get a chance to play with him for a change" He was not even convicted of anything he paid money because of it. So are they going to cremate him or is he going to get a normal burial?
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