I have the Wii and the Xbox 360 and they're both amazing!!
Proudly to say: I own an Xbox 360. I can't afford a Playstation 3, but I bet it'll be better than the Wii. The Wii is more of interaction than the detailed graphics.
PC, PS2 and hopefully, later ps3
Just a plain old PS2, I am trying to reduce my gaming by not investing in new technology! I don't consider playing on it to be a "sport" though...
Wii, 64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, PS1
PS1 and PS2. I'm not very up-to-date with this kinda stuff lol.
- plays everything I want to play at this time!
I have an x-Box, my son has a ps2
i don't have a "real" game console, so i guess i have to say a computer.
Let me see. I have a XBox360, Wii, PS2, Gamecube, two Nintendo64s, one (working) Sega Genesis, and an old SNES.
Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox, N64, SNES And I still play every single one. :-P
PS2 and an NES
to be exact i have every system that has came out but the sega dreamcast because i hate it
None, but years ago I had an Atari - bing, bong. bing, bong.
Xbox 360...must be about six months since I got it..still occupying my every waking hour (oblivion!!)
Waddingtons compendium6 snakes and ladders to dominoes hours of fun nogame the same
PS2,PS3,Xbox,PS1 and nentendo
I have a Gamecube...I may get a Wii someday but I'm not willing to spend the $$ for it right now.
I've got alot of them. Atari 2600, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS2, PS3, Wii, and Xbox360. I don't have a favorite console maker, so I usually fork out a boatload of money to buy anything that comes out.
Atari 2600,Colecovision and Xbox360.
PS2 & 360
we have a ps, ps2, xbox, gameboysp, and gamecube. Waiting to buy the ps3.
I have a ps3, ps2, xbox and a DS. (Well... between my brothers and I)
XBOX 360. I still cling to my PC hoping there will be a comeback, but I fear it is as obsolete as an ATARI 2600;)
I'm a geek. I have the PS1 & Nintendo stashed away, while the PS2, XBox and Wii are still in use :)
I've got a Wii right now. I've also got an old GameCube, as well as a couple portable systems (DS, Game Boy Advance). Oh, and a PC.
I've got (altogether) a PS3, PSP, PS2, PS1 (the new version), and a PC. I dislike Microsoft and Nintendo consoles, but I recognise the fact that they both make very good consoles and I respect that, it's just that I think the Wii is a gimmick and the 360 is too unreliable (overheating). My favourite console at the moment is my PS3, and coming in second would be my PC. I love the PS3 because of the way it works so flawlessly with the PSP, which is great for me :)
Amiga 500+ Amiga 1200, Super Nintendo, PSone, PS2.
Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color(Special Pokemon Edition, WHOOT! Got it on my 6th birthday, limited edtion release for Pokemon Yellow), Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy SP(LIMITED EDITION LEGEND OF ZELDA GOLD COLORED, YEAH!), Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, XBOX, PlayStation2.
I've super mega drive II (from SEGA), a Sega Saturn and a PS2 (the normal and slim)... I think I'm done with game consoles... They had their time (my opinion). Nowadays PC kick ass of any console ever built. Oh I forgot... I have also a game boy color...eheh I had also a game gear but i lost it (i was young :()
SNES, N64, PS2, Wii. atari also
Currently, I own Nintendo classic, n64, Gameboy color, Gameboy Advance, gameboy advance SP, PS, PS2, PS3, and GameCube.
I have a PS1, PS2, DS, GBA, Xbox 360, Gamecube, Nintendo 64. My favorite is 360 cause I have CoD3.
The original Game Boy, that I purchased in 1989! It will be a museum piece if I treat it right...
Nintendo wii, greatest system ever!!!!!!!!!! PS3 is too expensive and 360 is too old and boring.
I have ps1, ps2, ps3, all the game boy's, psp, nentendo 64 and thats it. I dont like the wii or any of the xbox's
I have one Playstation, one Playstation 2 and one X-Box... And I want to get the X-Box 360... We're a bit of videogame fanatics... :)
Right now I have Xbox 360 but packed away I have gamecube, the original nintendo, ps1, original gameboy and sega.
Hubby and I have the kids' old PS2. We use it to play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution.) It's fun. I highly recommend you try it commando-style. When the kids are gone, of course. :-)
Pc, PS2, PSP, Xbox 360, Gamecube
PS2, PS, Game Cube, PSP, Nintendo64, Atari.
I have a lot of systems. I have a regular gameboy, a gameboy advance sp, a ps1, ps2, Wii, and nintendo DS.
Ok *cracks knuckles* I have a Super Nintendo, a gameboy color, a PS1, a PS2, a Nintendo 64, a Nintendo Game Cube, a PSP and an xbox 360. I think thats it, lol.
xbox ,xbox360 ,wii
I have a Gameboy Colour, a Nintendo DS and a PS2. I really want a Wii though...
I own... Nintendo 64 Game Boy Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance Game Boy Advance SP Nintendo DS Gamecube PSP PS2 & Soon to be PS3 ; ) PS3 owns can suck my Wii! *Power to the gamers*
Nintendo GameCube. I'm totally with the times.
i have nez (origioanl nintendo) Snez (super nintendo) nintendo gameboi colour Sega Megadrive Nintendo64 PS2 and nintendo wii - we are nintendo fans and i love all mario games!!
ps3, NEC turbografix16, SNES,PSP. I generate my own games with a Silicon Graphics Octane
Game Boy Advanced Game Boy Color Nintendo 64 Playstation Gamecube Playstation 2 Nintendo DS PSP Wii XBox 360
an xbox, x box 360, ps1, gamecube, nes, super nintendo, gameboy, gameboy advance, gameboy advance sp, PC
I have PS1 and PS2.............
I like the wii but not as a primary console and the games kinda suck. The 360 has the best controller interface and the best games. I have a gamecube and an N64. (it's still the best)
I stopped buying gaming systems a LONG time ago. I have 2 PS2s, a Nintendo 64, a Nintendo Game Cube, & a Super Nintendo. I don;t play any of them...I passed them on to my teenage sons.
let me see,ps1,psone(small version)2 ps2 pal and ntsc,game cube,my dream cast got stolen by i dont know who,my NDS also,i got a 360 that keeps atching me,i have a wii withing to get my smash bros bral :) and my ps3 oh and i have a psp.only my psp and ps2 are hack :)
XBox 360, XBox, Super Nintendo, Intellivision, Colecovision
A gameboy advance,gamecube, ps2, and a ds (sadly, not a lite). Me and my younger brother have a nintendo 64 and a super nintendo. My dad and older brother have an xbox 360. I can play any one of them any time.
Started off with Atari, then the Amiga, then PC, game boy, PS2
I own a Playstation 2 , and I'm thinking of getting a Nintendo Wii at xmas time.
i have an nintendo wii and ps3 :)
At home we have: GB color, N64, GB Advance, XBox, XBox360, PSP, DS, and for a few weeks: Wii We also have the Vtech Vsmile pocket.
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